Yesterday at work i seriously wanted to take my Assistants managers head off. I was seriously debating on it. Well i think he finally figured out that i was furious with him when i stopped paying any attention to him and only answered what was necessary because other wise i would have informed him that it takes more skills to manage a grocery store and a little knowledge always helps instead of standing over someones solder and watching them like they're going to steal your life savings. BUt anywhore, today I come in and he's acting all nice and like nothing happend. Ok what p[issed me off yesterday was that when i asked one of the cashiers to get him to give her a break before one of the other ladies got off @ 8;45 he told her to call me instead and turned around and walked away, then came to me asking why change over was so late and all this other shit. But today he was all so this this and this happend to day while i was doing something and so on and so forth and I'm a fucking idiot and I don't know what ot do with myself and my hair look moronic and I remind people of the character in a horror movie that gets killed becasue hes too stupid to realize that there's a killer around and goes off alone where EVERYONE knows he's going to me and I get killed in the most gruesome way possible because everyone watching wants that to happen becasue I'm a moron.
Okay I feel better.
Okay I feel better.