so i guess everyone is anti-christina these days. i know i can be a real bitch, so i understand why no one would wanna hang out with me. i think being with someone really dorks you out too. when you get out of a relationship, you feel like the biggest loser on the planet because you have no mojo. it all went away from not ever using it. now i'm stuck with a gut and the feeling that no one likes me. oh well. at least i have like one friend out here who likes me and we hang out. if this were l.a. i wouldn't have to be lonely like this......... but it's not. it seems like everyone i meet in this dust bowl thinks that they are too good to hang out with the likes of me. it's so lame. fuck everyone. i'm so sick of people having such shallow standards. i'm not cool because i don't wear designer jeans or listen to the latest in trashy music. i don't like to dance. i don't want to hang out with all kinds of fashion whore faggots and talk about how much money i make or who i fucked that night. it's so retarded. i wish i could afford to live in l.a. again. i hate this place already.
we love you though
too bad we're not real