School is stressin' me out... I had a midterm today. By Saturday I have to read a shit-load of articles and write 2 two page papers and 1 one page.
I can't think of any good ideas for my midterm drawing assignment
criteria: 1 drawing
2 mediums (none with color)
something from life and something from photo
I'm not creative enough to think of anything. We've had a week already and it's due Thursday. I just don't have the confidence in my abilities to take on something challenging. I thought about drawing Chris, dressing him up and making it all dark... using ink and charcoal. But I don't know how to give it the effect I want. The teacher didn't really seem impressed with my idea which didn't help. A large part of our grade is balancing on this so it has to be good. I just have a feeling it's going to suck. I'm not an artist.
I can't think of any good ideas for my midterm drawing assignment
criteria: 1 drawing
2 mediums (none with color)
something from life and something from photo
I'm not creative enough to think of anything. We've had a week already and it's due Thursday. I just don't have the confidence in my abilities to take on something challenging. I thought about drawing Chris, dressing him up and making it all dark... using ink and charcoal. But I don't know how to give it the effect I want. The teacher didn't really seem impressed with my idea which didn't help. A large part of our grade is balancing on this so it has to be good. I just have a feeling it's going to suck. I'm not an artist.
My midterm sucked ass.
Good luck on dat shix.

good luck with the drawing!