How difficult would it be for you to pick up and move to another part of the country where you know not a soul?
I'm beginning to entertain that idea more and more each day...
I'm beginning to entertain that idea more and more each day...
if you want to live in Salem, MA. my house is available...but just for you.
Forty...too old for me. So the guy is gross...seriously. not just because he's 55, but because 1.) his teeth are rotting 2.)he's really short 3.) he has dark, leathery skin. The man hasn't aged well at all, he's not even remotely handsome, and he probably looks like Iggy Pop naked, plus he pissed all over the bathroom floor. Anyways, I'm adding you to my list, cause you're hot, you like The Cure and Sylvia Plath.