Just came back from my sisters place for some Texas Holdem with 8 other people. Damn that was fun, I did much better than I thought I would but my sis ended up winning. While I was there we did some yard sale shopping and I picked myself up an electric guitar. It didn't come with anything so when I go out to see the new Total Recall with a friend today I'm going to swing by a music store and get an amp and some other shit so I can play it. Since my last post about learning the guitar I have picked up a lot, Including several easy to learn theme songs from various games and movies. Chords are going to be a nightmare and I'm pretty sure will have to wait a while before attempting. My fingers are just too damn large. You know what they say about guys with large hands - they can't play the guitar worth a shit. I have my fingers placed at optimal position and even moving strings away from each other for more space but no matter what I do I am always muting one or more strings. Balls. It's cool though, I'm happy learning more of the easy shit for now. It means more practice on technique at least.
Thanks guys, here are some pics of new toys
Fun, happy practicing