Well I received my Katana, needless to say, it's damn near perfect. I was going to give an in depth review of it but apparently no one wanted to hear it. Either way, it's fucking awesome and I am stoked to finally have a worthy Katana. Ironically, having the best one I can get a hold of gives me a strange appreciation for the one I already have. Now that I have the kind of quality I have been looking for, I have no qualms about getting someone to hand sharpen my Masahiro, since the only thing wrong with it is the edge. I may just come out with double the quality I was looking for. Kick ass! My offer still stands though, I have given presentations on the process and quality of Katanas and can easily sort the good from the bad, so if anyone is looking for one, I am still in the mood to help if anyone wants it.
I don't want one, but I'm happy for you!! You seem very excited