One of my friends shares mostly the same interest as I do only he has an equal opposite position on everything. Because of this we have some of the best, insane, or dorky conversations. This particular conversation is a true testament to how dorky it can be. The scenario is: If we were Super Saiyan Sith, how could we fuck with super heroes and other super villains just to confuse them or bring their ego down a notch. Or 10. (fun fact most blokes go to ten notches, these go to eleven) Anyway we came up with a bunch but heres my top ten:
1. Superman is flying and out of nowhere he gets beamed in the face with a flagpole
2. When Spiderman is dangling upside down from a building I wrap his web around a small tree trunk and make him into a yo-yo
3. The flash is running around the world, I step in faster than he can see, trip him, and watch him tumble halfway around the world
4. When batman jumps off a building and is gliding in the air I fly in, look at him, say wussup, and fly away
5. Using my psychic force powers I disassemble Iron Mans suit, re-assemble it next to him, and kick his ass with it
6. Blow up a planet right before Galactus munches on it
7. Use force lightening against Electro
8. Give the Hulk a massive paralyzing titty twister just to see just how large his anger can actually make him grow
9. Fly in faster than anyone can see and catch Two-Faces coin mid air
10. Levitate every spoon in the world and stick them all onto Magneto (btw, if Magneto wears the hat so Xavier cant control his mind, he must have to wear it day and nighthe must have some crazy tan lines on his face)
1. Superman is flying and out of nowhere he gets beamed in the face with a flagpole
2. When Spiderman is dangling upside down from a building I wrap his web around a small tree trunk and make him into a yo-yo
3. The flash is running around the world, I step in faster than he can see, trip him, and watch him tumble halfway around the world
4. When batman jumps off a building and is gliding in the air I fly in, look at him, say wussup, and fly away
5. Using my psychic force powers I disassemble Iron Mans suit, re-assemble it next to him, and kick his ass with it
6. Blow up a planet right before Galactus munches on it
7. Use force lightening against Electro
8. Give the Hulk a massive paralyzing titty twister just to see just how large his anger can actually make him grow
9. Fly in faster than anyone can see and catch Two-Faces coin mid air
10. Levitate every spoon in the world and stick them all onto Magneto (btw, if Magneto wears the hat so Xavier cant control his mind, he must have to wear it day and nighthe must have some crazy tan lines on his face)

I feel much less of a geek.. thank you