Just put two groups of people on my shit-list today, Teachers and Extremists. Not in general, just in certain types.
For example: when I took Physics I started learning about projectile motion. This sparked something in my head and instantly I wanted to know the distance away I would have to spit out a car window to hit a sign on the road (that's about par for the course when my mind starts wandering). The professor was a pretty cool dude and a fucking wiz at physics, like he corrected the solved answers in the back of textbooks for a living wiz, so after class I asked him how you would go about calculating that. I expected to hear something like "Hey I never thought of that, lets see if we can find an answer" instead he said the same bullshit most teachers will give you. "Well if you pay attention in class you'll be able to figure it out on your own." Yeah I'm talking about those types of fuckers. I'm not a fucking physics professor, I do not have the motivation or capacity to figure something that complicated out myself! It would be nice if teachers weren't total fucking douches and actually gave a shit about what they do, especially when students actually have an interest in what they're teaching.
Second person on my shit-list are extremists. Not just any type, but with proportions. My example is with a chick at subway but it's the same type of people whenever there is an amount to work with. She had already put the main stuff on my sub and toasted it, now for the extras. Lettuce, tomatoes, black olives, and A FEW onions. This may seem like a small gripe but just read... She puts 2 tiny pieces on my sandwich. Obviously that's not enough, if I didn't want to even taste it I wouldn't have asked for it to begin with. Not yet pissed I playfully tell her she can put A LITTLE more than that on it. So now she takes a full fucking hand full and dumps the shit all over it. Most likely out of spite but really? How much of a genius do you have to be to distinguish between so little it makes no difference and so much I might as well eat a fucking onion? It's not even about my food, tons of people have no common sense whatsoever when it comes to proportions and they always seem to go from one extreme to another just to piss you off. Tell your dad to stop treating you like you're 10, he kicks you out of the fucking house. Tell your girlfriend she's using too much teeth and she never sucks your dick again. Well you know what, it worked, you are now on my shit-list!!!
For example: when I took Physics I started learning about projectile motion. This sparked something in my head and instantly I wanted to know the distance away I would have to spit out a car window to hit a sign on the road (that's about par for the course when my mind starts wandering). The professor was a pretty cool dude and a fucking wiz at physics, like he corrected the solved answers in the back of textbooks for a living wiz, so after class I asked him how you would go about calculating that. I expected to hear something like "Hey I never thought of that, lets see if we can find an answer" instead he said the same bullshit most teachers will give you. "Well if you pay attention in class you'll be able to figure it out on your own." Yeah I'm talking about those types of fuckers. I'm not a fucking physics professor, I do not have the motivation or capacity to figure something that complicated out myself! It would be nice if teachers weren't total fucking douches and actually gave a shit about what they do, especially when students actually have an interest in what they're teaching.
Second person on my shit-list are extremists. Not just any type, but with proportions. My example is with a chick at subway but it's the same type of people whenever there is an amount to work with. She had already put the main stuff on my sub and toasted it, now for the extras. Lettuce, tomatoes, black olives, and A FEW onions. This may seem like a small gripe but just read... She puts 2 tiny pieces on my sandwich. Obviously that's not enough, if I didn't want to even taste it I wouldn't have asked for it to begin with. Not yet pissed I playfully tell her she can put A LITTLE more than that on it. So now she takes a full fucking hand full and dumps the shit all over it. Most likely out of spite but really? How much of a genius do you have to be to distinguish between so little it makes no difference and so much I might as well eat a fucking onion? It's not even about my food, tons of people have no common sense whatsoever when it comes to proportions and they always seem to go from one extreme to another just to piss you off. Tell your dad to stop treating you like you're 10, he kicks you out of the fucking house. Tell your girlfriend she's using too much teeth and she never sucks your dick again. Well you know what, it worked, you are now on my shit-list!!!