I don't know why I even try sometimes. Lately I seemed to have stopped caring. I don't care about my job, people in general, or life itself....I dunno, maybe it's this whole new year thing. Maybe it's because I live in the past and dwell on old memories. But I mean the past is what defines us, it makes us who we are. How can I just forget all that?
Im the same way .. well I was I find my caring to be comming back to me as I've met some people who acctually merit that I care about them, because they've acctually shown me that they care about me.
I mean I feel like no one cares....and why should I? I totally ditched work today too. Said I was sick. I don't give a fuck about that job. It pays good but the people there are faceless....I just want to shrivel up and disappear....