So, here's the deal guys, I know that no one really reads these posts and so therefore...why try and put effort in something no one reads...
I can't very well leave this space blank though, that's stupid.
I have a new thing on facebook where I post "today's life lessons. I figure I'll just post them on here too because it works really well as a conversation starter and it's really just a matter of copying and pasting.
Now, some of you already have me on facebook, but for the most part, I'm only going to be annoying a handful of people
So, here ya go guys.
Time to play catch up.
Todays Life lessons:
1- As you get older you really start to appreciate a night in where you eat too much and watch terrible movies all night.
2- Girls is officially one of my favourite shows
3- Not a whole lot of difference between being stoned and being by yourself the whole day.
4- When you check to see where your fish came from and see that it was shipped from indonesia, you really start to taste the chicken shit in the meat (a big sarcastic thanks to Stephane Makarewicz) haha!
5- Sometimes, when someone leaves your life, you need time to recuperate and ignoring that isn't an option.
6- Journals > Pictures and videos on your phone
7- Life is only good once you leave your baggage behind and open yourself up to whatever comes next.
Today's life lessons 1:
1- Poofy hair isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just makes you look more 80's.
2- Even if you keep getting the same compliment throughout your life, keep in mind that it means something completely new coming out of different people.
3- when people call you a weirdo, they're just expressing how different you are from them. So, take it for the compliment that it is.
4- a vacation is a set period of time where you get to live the way you wish you could live. If your vacation sucked, you weren't doing it right.
Today's Life Lessons 2:
1- Other than the whole killing other serial killers, the show Dexter lends a lot of good advice for introverts in dealing with the outside world.
2- Sometimes it's better to fake it till you make it, but other times, you're just better suited to what comes naturally to you.
3- the more I philosophize the world, the more I detach myself from it.
4- the more I philosophize myself, the more I detach myself from my reality.
5- crusty bread makes for rashy lips.
6- Myers Briggs tests are a good way of checking up on yourself. I was INTJ and now I'm ENFJ. How about that.

I can't very well leave this space blank though, that's stupid.
I have a new thing on facebook where I post "today's life lessons. I figure I'll just post them on here too because it works really well as a conversation starter and it's really just a matter of copying and pasting.
Now, some of you already have me on facebook, but for the most part, I'm only going to be annoying a handful of people

So, here ya go guys.
Time to play catch up.
Todays Life lessons:
1- As you get older you really start to appreciate a night in where you eat too much and watch terrible movies all night.
2- Girls is officially one of my favourite shows
3- Not a whole lot of difference between being stoned and being by yourself the whole day.
4- When you check to see where your fish came from and see that it was shipped from indonesia, you really start to taste the chicken shit in the meat (a big sarcastic thanks to Stephane Makarewicz) haha!
5- Sometimes, when someone leaves your life, you need time to recuperate and ignoring that isn't an option.
6- Journals > Pictures and videos on your phone
7- Life is only good once you leave your baggage behind and open yourself up to whatever comes next.
Today's life lessons 1:
1- Poofy hair isn't necessarily a bad thing, it just makes you look more 80's.
2- Even if you keep getting the same compliment throughout your life, keep in mind that it means something completely new coming out of different people.
3- when people call you a weirdo, they're just expressing how different you are from them. So, take it for the compliment that it is.
4- a vacation is a set period of time where you get to live the way you wish you could live. If your vacation sucked, you weren't doing it right.
Today's Life Lessons 2:
1- Other than the whole killing other serial killers, the show Dexter lends a lot of good advice for introverts in dealing with the outside world.
2- Sometimes it's better to fake it till you make it, but other times, you're just better suited to what comes naturally to you.
3- the more I philosophize the world, the more I detach myself from it.
4- the more I philosophize myself, the more I detach myself from my reality.
5- crusty bread makes for rashy lips.
6- Myers Briggs tests are a good way of checking up on yourself. I was INTJ and now I'm ENFJ. How about that.