Leaving for Richmond 6 am tomorrow...fun fun...though I will be tired as hell... smile
have a safe trip. have fun smile
Part of me really wants to pose for SG...it's just that I'm not sure if it will open any doors for me...I am only in Ohio ya know...if I was in CA it would a completely different story...I don't know what to do... frown confused whatever blush
you just have to go with your heart. hopefully you will figure it out. you can always just apply to be a sg and mooch off of the free account they give you until you decide for sure.
I will be gone as of March 30th...orginally I joined to model for the site and check it out first...I have met some wonderful people-but since I am not going to pose for SG due to the direction of the site and for other personal reasons...I can't see paying for a membership at this time...I will miss you all though kiss

[Edited on Mar 09, 2004 9:02AM]
woops again

[Edited on Mar 09, 2004 9:02AM]
Not feeling very well today-could be nausea from starting the pill again or somthing going around...
haven't accomplished anything but dying my hair...hopefully it turns out....now I am going to go watch sex and the city 6th season that I have not seen...that'll cheer me up eeek
hey sweety i got another list on my journal if youd like to check it outid really luv your answers pleaseplease robot
Feel well soon!
So I was looking at the shop-out of curiousity-EVERYTHING is temporarily unavailable...wtf...I think that's just odd...everything...no planning ahead??

I have decided for the month of March to get fat on McD's Shamrock shakes...mmmmm love
mmmm... i want a milkshake....
I took some people off of my friends list... I guess yoou didn't notice after all frown
So I am thinking of starting my own web business...there is a college class coming up to help me design it-set up advertising, payments, carts...etc..
So I am thinking t-shirt biz-guys and girlys..to make use of my deep seeded sarcasm and sick humor...ha
I know the shirts I could get wholesale at a good price-just wondering about the silk screening process and such...I know some...
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whoa have fun with gwar biggrin try not to get eat by some giant worm thing hehehehe tongue
i know nothing about silf screening.
i have read where andy warhol used some kind od screen printing or silk screening to put his pictures onto a canvas and change the colors and stuff around. good luck with the shirt ideas. it sounds like a cool project.
i was thinking myself about going to new york sometime maybe in the spring or sometime when it wasnt cold. its only 200 round trip from chattanooga, tennessee which is where i live.
oh yeah there is a crafty group in the groups somewhere that might have some info for you. there all about making stuff like shirts and things
So...really questioning if Sg is for me...it may been getting too mainstream for me...not sure if I am ready for all the exposure that may come along with it... confused
ive not even been here a year yet and it has already changed alot, mostly for the worst
The proof sheets were amazing...not many photos I didn't like...can't wait to get prints. I can't wait to work with this guy again...great work... love

Another thought entirely...been wondering...is it that we only have one true intense love-and if it doesn't work out all the other loves to follow don't fullfill you quite the same and never will? The true one you are absolutely ripped apart...
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I am there right now in wondering if I'm to be loveless forever!
We can only hope it can be as good or better than before.
Finding candidates for love is the tricky part.

The first love is always the most intense because it's so new but uh... oh fuckitall it's different for everyone but tis the same emotion.

Positive outlook? Difficult but necessary... smile
i was thinking about taking some new pics but i still havent got the hang of my new digital, my tripods broke, and im going to order a lighting kit so i can take some good ones.

after my first true love left none of the rest have really ever botherd me. the thing is i think you can have that same love when you meet the right person again later in life. i dont think its a one shot deal i just think that after the first you are more careful about how involved you get with anyone else. i hope some of this made some sense, im kinda drunk at the moment shocked
So I will be looking at proof sheets tomorrow...yipee.
Also trying to decide-I could take ALL my summer classes over the internet-but is that wise? It prob takes alot of disipline...I like to procrastinate...but I also love being on the computer...hmmm

I love my new lip ring and all-but the constant feeling of something being on it...either it be painful or crusty like...will that ever...
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both you and your pictures are beautiful!!!! love
thank you for letting me see them.
luck be a lady by far i think it was in guys and dolls when i thought that was the tre' koolest song ever biggrin robot
Should be looking at proof sheets this weekend...and picking out prints I want for my book of photos...yipee! wink
good luck with your book. it sounds very interesting smile
Those pics were pretty good, and yes that is an excellent coloring job on the tattoos. The b&w photos simply just dont do them justice.