yeah, i'm a hopeless romantic at heart, too, but i try not to let people know. and yeah, it is fun... until you get your heart crapped on a few times *sigh*
and thanks, i didn't think that poem was that great, but it got all me emotions out... and that's the best way to be
If your ever in Vegas you can find out about whether it is mine or not. It has been in a lot of tight places in it's time and got out of them lickety split.
i kinda got the same problem now that i just moved to new york. people in my old town suddenly want to be nice and get to know me. fuck off where were you when i need you.
hey dude,,, happy Birthday, Jebus! to you too..... hehe...its cool im jewish anyhow.... so, i havent gotten a chance to get you your CD... but soon, i promise...
you are very welcome. I meant what I wrote in the hopefuls group. I hope to see your first set soon once they accept you. that'll be great!
I am glad that school's out for you. Sounds like a much deserved holiday break. Must be nice! I think I'll be lucky to get the Friday after Xmas off this year. :::crossing my fingers:::
I've just spent half hour punching myself in the face, The cheekbones don't look too bad but I missed a few times and got my mouth. Now I have lips like Mick Jagger and teeth like Shane Mcgowan. Is that a hot look?
are you going the Burlesque show in Seattle?