I'm on a new mission in my life. I have to lose 11 pounds. Since October of last year, I have been dieting for the military and have lost appx. 30 pounds by dieting and exercising a lot. Lately, I have had an extreme problem with bloating. My weight bobs up and down, losing and re-gaining the same 5 pounds and does NOT seem to...
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i've been in for a year
Keep it rolling - even if you aren't dieting, you should go with the organic foods wink

Is your power back on? My brother said the storm kept him up all night - I was already up, but it didn't seem to be that bad.
Everyone in SG Land... I am selling a bunch of stuff for my upcoming move. Please go check it out in the Swap Meet Group


I deleted my last blog (from about a week ago) because I wasn't happy with it.

I am extremely sick right now...not with cold, flu, etc. but with stress! ahh... For the past few months, I have been extremely stressed and feeling the pressure of a lot of things in my life. For the past week, I have been in bed with tension head aches....
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Kind of lame, but...

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I really hate people you just meet that...
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thank you smile
Going home to the thumb of Michigan tomorrow...I also have my LAST final in the morning =] Praise God!!

So since my parents don't have internet, Im gonna be lost for about 2 weeks =/

Someone leave me a great little...something. So I can read it when I get back
i love cat and horse !! love
I'm really sad lately. I miss the boy I like and he hasn't returned my text messages =[ blah...you can tell I am sad because I have been wearing a lot of hats. Hats symbolize my lack of motivation to do my hair....

Monday, I am going to do a little photo shoot with a local (female) photographer. I'm real excited. About a month ago,...
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I read you blog from time to time but don't leave comments, ninja reading i call it.... Are you still planning on joining the military?
ill be your sweet internet friend lol
I had the most stressful day EVER! today...

Tomorrow, I am throwing a Halloween party at my place, so I need a costume.About a month ago, I bought this cool and really pretty mermaid costume.It's two pieces like a bikini...well, I'm for sure PMS-ing this week so I am super bloated. Last night, I thought to myself: There's NO way I'm wearing that costume feeling...
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Hello Again!!!!!!!!!

I decided that I need a photographer to shootpictures of me for SG. I want to be a Suicide Girl SO bad... someone help!

Staff photographers can be found here.
You should also check out the SGPhotographerHopefuls group.
Some girls have had good luck with Model Mayhem.

Good luck! kiss
Hello, friends of SG...
I'm sitting here in bed, watching Jay Leno and pondering what to do.Im super bored in this city(Ann Arbor)...I've lived here just over 2 months and eer since I left the love of my life back in North Carolina, nothing has been the same. Someone tell me something amazing to do or give me someone to hang out with so I...
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You must be spoiled in your old city because Ann Arbor is AWESOME compared to Toledo. I wish I lived in Ann Arbor!