I really want to start shooting with some models from this site. Problem is, whenever I agree to meet up with people I meet online for photos, something gets all fucked up and we have to cancel...ahhh very frustrating. If any of you girls have some SPECIFIC ideas of what you want, please let me know... I want someone to let me take pictures of them hanging from a cross...something that will offend Christians. I have an idea in my head, but none of my friends are confident enough to let me do it! EFF
Also, I am going through some major life changes right now. I realized that one thing that would really making me happy is working with bands. I want to tour with a band and take photos! Someone hook me up =]
Here are pics from the weekend that I took:


Marilyn Manson

Here is my blog from yesterday:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Just an FYI: Updates are going to be few and far in between. I have been very busy lately and dont feel like trying to keep up with the SG community 24/7...if you wrote me a message, I am sorry for not responding. I have ZERO time for anything right now.
Quick update:
Air Force processing is on Friday. This better be the best choice for me. I'm worried about getting married or pregnant while I am in...I HATE kids and I HATE the idea of marriage or being dependent on a man.
I met a really great guy last week and he has a girlfriend. fail.
I've been feeling very depressed the last few weeks and I dont know why.
I'm trying to quit drinking.
I love musicians =]
I got a chest piece.
Since you can't read it, it says "I am the Hydra" which is a line from the song Antichrist Superstar by Marilyn Manson. That is one of my favorite songs and I love Hydra. She is the 7 headed beast that Hercules fought in Greek mythology, but I am a fan because of the more sac-religious meaning. Hydra according to the book of Revelations, is the multiple headed beast who guards the gates of Hell that is supposed to rise up from the sea during the Apocalypse. She is supposed to kill all the Christians with her fire breath. Awesome.
Your a pretty girl