So many Suicide Girls and so little time. It's hard to keep up with all of the other social media I deal with as well. Unfortunately I'm not able to check this every time and I'm disappointed about that.
I have an affection for all of these lovely ladies and the different bodies, hair styles, eye colors, skin tone, height, weight, it doesn't matter.
I do believe I have to admit though that I have an affinity for the dark haired, dark eyed ladies. My Latinas from Central and South America, middle Eastern, Italian, Greek, Romanian, Pakistani, Israeli, Indian, Korean, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, Malaysian, and those whom I have forgotten.
It's hard to keep coming up with words like beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, amazing, and there are times I use these words over and over, not to slight one's appearance to another's, but because simply put, there is so much beauty that an entire collection of abridged dictionaries could not possibly hold enough adjectives, or words synonymous with beautiful. There's just too much beauty and such a wide variety of women that I'm sure not one man's fetish is left unfilled.
Thank you to all of you Suicide Girls, pink and hopeful, for sharing your beauty and bodies with us, total strangers. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! 😙 ❤