Well Well Well Been a while hasn't it?
I've been feeling kinda of ill these last couple of days. My sinuses have been really acting up and my eyes are itchy cause of it. Lot's of sneezes though, I like sneezes
Some little bastards already managed to fuck up the new skatepark. They closed the park for a few days. The rules and regulations signs where stolen, and some of the decorative skateboards around the park where stolen. Also I believe some kids broke a bunch of glass in the bowls. The only reason they really shut the park down was to show what will happen when shit like this goes down. Just really sucks, it was closed on my day off.GGRRRRRR
MistakesMade left me a very pleasent message
I decided that I really want a corset. I don't know when I would really ever wear it. I just want one they are so beautiful.
I'm taking out my freakin' vertical labret. I bought a new piece of jewelry and it infected it.
Kinda hurt. So I'll just take it out and then I'm going to get two small vertical lip piercings here in the next couple of weeks.
Not feeling well going to bed. Hope to hear from everyone soon. I don't plan on going anywhere so hopefully I'll feel up to updating more often

I've been feeling kinda of ill these last couple of days. My sinuses have been really acting up and my eyes are itchy cause of it. Lot's of sneezes though, I like sneezes

Some little bastards already managed to fuck up the new skatepark. They closed the park for a few days. The rules and regulations signs where stolen, and some of the decorative skateboards around the park where stolen. Also I believe some kids broke a bunch of glass in the bowls. The only reason they really shut the park down was to show what will happen when shit like this goes down. Just really sucks, it was closed on my day off.GGRRRRRR

MistakesMade left me a very pleasent message

I decided that I really want a corset. I don't know when I would really ever wear it. I just want one they are so beautiful.
I'm taking out my freakin' vertical labret. I bought a new piece of jewelry and it infected it.

Not feeling well going to bed. Hope to hear from everyone soon. I don't plan on going anywhere so hopefully I'll feel up to updating more often

learn it!
Thanks for the heads up.
I got slightly buzzed and watched the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre and at a yummy carne asada quesadilla.
How was your night?