Well Well Well, I should prolly try and keep up on the updating I just never get around to it. I feel so unmotivated some days.
Not to much going on in the life of myself. This girl I know might come up to visit for a day this weekend. That would be nice I haven't seen her since Oct. Not to sure if she will actually make it, but I can dream can't I?
How much do I love the new series "Tripping the Rift" on Sci-Fi do you ask?
In other news my damn town finally has something worth driving here for. Other than myself of course!
They finally opened up the new 27,000 square foot skatepark. Woo go us!!!! It is surprisingly nice, w/many features not used in any other skatepark yet.
Tired, nite everyone!
Not to much going on in the life of myself. This girl I know might come up to visit for a day this weekend. That would be nice I haven't seen her since Oct. Not to sure if she will actually make it, but I can dream can't I?

How much do I love the new series "Tripping the Rift" on Sci-Fi do you ask?

In other news my damn town finally has something worth driving here for. Other than myself of course!

Tired, nite everyone!

thanks for the link! their stuff is pretty rad!
cute cute