Well this will be my last journal entry for a while. I can't afford to pay for this right now. I lost my job a month ago. I can't get another one until I get moved. I'll be in Missoula by the third of April. I'll make that my home for the next year maybe. After that I plan on going to school on the...
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Well Well Well, Just a quick update after TWO MONTH'S
I've got my own place though I've just been fired so who know's . How long I'll be able to keep it. I'm moving to Missoula MT by July more like May/June. I've still got no computer. My ex just moved back to cali so now I've got no mate. Umm.....that's all for now My...
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I've got my own place though I've just been fired so who know's . How long I'll be able to keep it. I'm moving to Missoula MT by July more like May/June. I've still got no computer. My ex just moved back to cali so now I've got no mate. Umm.....that's all for now My...
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Happy Bday

I loooooooooooooove that movie!!!!!! i bought it yesterday!
im so glad u had fun!

im so glad u had fun!

Still waiting on getting the internet hooked up in my new place. Shit I don't even have a phone right now. I hope everyone is having a good time lately. I know I'm a little crazy right now, work is insane and so am I!!! Love you all hope you still think about me everyonce and a while. I hope to catch up with you...
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You sir...are a whore. I was in town last weekend. But you don't have a fone. Sooooooooooo..no movies for you!
Woot Woot, Look who's still alive!
Well I'm feeling a bit better now. I'm finally back out off of my mothers couch. I'd been living there for almost a year. Cool place I'll have to put up some pics of the place of it asap. I don't have computer there yet or internet(obviously) but I will be back hopefully sooner.
Love you all, sorry I'm...
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Well I'm feeling a bit better now. I'm finally back out off of my mothers couch. I'd been living there for almost a year. Cool place I'll have to put up some pics of the place of it asap. I don't have computer there yet or internet(obviously) but I will be back hopefully sooner.

Love you all, sorry I'm...
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Thanks and shit!
I am still recovering... sooo full.
Oh...I picked up a copy of Casshern on Ebay.
It's freaking awesome!!
It was so worth the money.
How much longer till you are movin too Cali...if that is still the plan?
Hope you're well.

I am still recovering... sooo full.
Oh...I picked up a copy of Casshern on Ebay.
It's freaking awesome!!
It was so worth the money.

How much longer till you are movin too Cali...if that is still the plan?
Hope you're well.
Whats up guy,
long time no talk. Hah feel special this is the first time i think i've ever commented on anyones SG site. woot woot. Hows things goin? the new house is pretty cool..you're gonna have to come check it out sometime? So you moved?? or are moving??? where to? Thats pretty cool... ....Whats this i read up above about you goin to cali? You got some big plans eh?? haha. Well guy...keep in touch...i'll try to update my shizzle more often. Peace out yo. - silly panda
long time no talk. Hah feel special this is the first time i think i've ever commented on anyones SG site. woot woot. Hows things goin? the new house is pretty cool..you're gonna have to come check it out sometime? So you moved?? or are moving??? where to? Thats pretty cool... ....Whats this i read up above about you goin to cali? You got some big plans eh?? haha. Well guy...keep in touch...i'll try to update my shizzle more often. Peace out yo. - silly panda
Everyone keep's telling me to update. So I will....prolly tomorrow or something. I'm really tired and have to open tomorrow. Well I added a bad pic of my new tattoo! It is the coolest one ever but you can't really tell from the pic. I will try and take new pics of me and the tat soon. Love you all and thanks for remaining interested...
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you better come by my journal soon or you'll find yourself Mercie-less on your friends list....

Hey man, are you just not updating to get plenty of comments?
Look, I was trying to check who the hell listen to 'the Shizit'. Only 3 in the world (of SG that is...). I just read about it today and the concept seems exactlythe stuff I like, so if you could guide me for finding some of their stuff...
Plus you seem to be into ATR; Check out Ambassador 21 or Schizuo or deathbomb, you might like...

Look, I was trying to check who the hell listen to 'the Shizit'. Only 3 in the world (of SG that is...). I just read about it today and the concept seems exactlythe stuff I like, so if you could guide me for finding some of their stuff...
Plus you seem to be into ATR; Check out Ambassador 21 or Schizuo or deathbomb, you might like...

Sorry I have been away forever. I just don't really have a life at home anymore. I only use it to sleep and get dressed for work. That should change soon though, we are finally getting someone to fill the position. I will finally get day's off again! Yay
Like I said I haven't really been doing much. However I have had sometime to put...
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Like I said I haven't really been doing much. However I have had sometime to put...
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so you actually sign on this bitch once in awhile? update your journal fool.
I thought you were one I was going to have to delete and here you come out of the woodwork to make yourself known. Bring your ass and do an update, boy! 

IM tellin ya mini golf pros gets the ladies..>???
Boy how I effn' hate computers. Why do people make spyware and find the need to screw up peoples com POO ters. GRRR
poo as in peace of sh*t
Well I did finally get my turntables and loads of new records. Yay for me though I'm far beyond broke. but hey what else is money good for. I get paid Friday anyways.
I'm so freakin'...
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Well I did finally get my turntables and loads of new records. Yay for me though I'm far beyond broke. but hey what else is money good for. I get paid Friday anyways.
I'm so freakin'...
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awwww... thank you.
my brain is much tonight so i'm going to have to leave it at that, but soon i will be ridiculous again! one day... *shakes fist* i will be filled with....

Where areeeeeeeeeeee you?!!?
I love you all sorry I don't update often. I've been really busy at work trying to find a replacement for the old ASM job. Also my older brother is really down lately and I've been keeping him company.
I'm really tired and sorry I don't update alot I will try and keep up. likely it will be a little bit though sorries
I'm really tired and sorry I don't update alot I will try and keep up. likely it will be a little bit though sorries

Mwaaaaa back to u!

Well work is freakin'ensane! My DM came to visit are store and all of a sudden my Boss(with whom I've had problems and didn't really care for) "resigns for personal reasons" I was floored. It isn't because she's gone it is because I didn't expect her to be gone. I don't mind at all though I think things will go much smoother without her....
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Well work is freakin'ensane! My DM came to visit are store and all of a sudden my Boss(with whom I've had problems and didn't really care for) "resigns for personal reasons" I was floored. It isn't because she's gone it is because I didn't expect her to be gone. I don't mind at all though I think things will go much smoother without her....
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AWWWW... the red vs. blue dvd... where do you live again? and do you leave your door unlocked? and where would you happen to keep said dvd?

Whoa! NO!! You're moving!? where to? why?? We must hang out before you leave!!! MUST!
She quit?? heh heh heh, sorry. She never was that ahm, nice to me... There was a hint of niceness at the last show up division. But it was fleeting. Maybe I should apply for managerial there. Mwah hah. Or at least just apply there again. I need something else to kind of break the monotany. And to bring in a little bit more money. but yea. should get a hold of me. Jenn has m number, dunno, I think I should call her, seeing as I just recently found her number again on the floor. I think they are worried about me. I don't know why.
She quit?? heh heh heh, sorry. She never was that ahm, nice to me... There was a hint of niceness at the last show up division. But it was fleeting. Maybe I should apply for managerial there. Mwah hah. Or at least just apply there again. I need something else to kind of break the monotany. And to bring in a little bit more money. but yea. should get a hold of me. Jenn has m number, dunno, I think I should call her, seeing as I just recently found her number again on the floor. I think they are worried about me. I don't know why.
Yay! I got my Kill Bill LE Japanese Box in the mail yesterday! man that movie is amazing. The Japanese vers. is the only in the world that is uncut. Or so what I hear.
Well than work was ok, I still don't care for my boss though. I know she doesn't like me but she acts so fake when I'm around.
I promise I...
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Well than work was ok, I still don't care for my boss though. I know she doesn't like me but she acts so fake when I'm around.
I promise I...
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cutie. what happened with the job action? you're still working, yes?
damn kids.
one of these days i'm just going to sneak to montana and crash on your couch... it's supposed to be fucking beautiful and i'd like to go hiking... do you have moose?
damn kids.
one of these days i'm just going to sneak to montana and crash on your couch... it's supposed to be fucking beautiful and i'd like to go hiking... do you have moose?
Could u update like more then once a century please. Your my favorite f'n guy and your never on here!!

you look so cute in that pic btw