Monday: Get Your Curl On
1. Today at work there's a seminar happening called 'Curlaboration', of which I'm in charge. Basically a selection of hairstylists from all over the country come in to get certified in Lorraine Massey's revolutionary techniques in cutting and caring for curly hair, and Shari Harbinger's 'Pintura' hairpainting technique for coloring. Yes, it's work, but I have to say that it's definitely educational for me, too. I must admit... sometimes I LOVE my job.
Not to mention the three lovely ladies who graciously volunteered their heads for the class today - Miss Aspen, Miss Krrn and a Hopeful named Kim, whom I'm making up for a shoot with tmronin sometime soon. Thanks, girls!!
2. My weekend was relatively low-key, save for a few exciting events.
On Friday night after boxing, I called every party girl in my phonebook to try and plan a booty-shaking session... to no avail. I ended up making myself a gourmet meal (with the help of Union Market YAYAYAYA) and watching Maury all by my lonesome. It wasn't so bad.
Saturday was looking up when my platonic husband called to tell me he'd drag me along with him to Twwly's humble abode in PA for a three year old's birthday party. Hooray! I threw myself together and we hit the road around 12:30p. A couple lattes, a couple Cinnabons and a couple hours later, we arrived at the casa de Twil, complete with an inflatable castle. We partied toddler-style for a little while, and got a creature-filled tour of the place. After the birthday boy went for a nap, our hosts brought out the artillery... literally.
Note to self: Do NOT enter the house of Twwly unnanounced. She will not hestitate to bring the noise.
I was hyper mega triple super bomb intimidated by the guns, as I'd never held one before, but I meekly pulled the trigger a couple of times. I think with bullets involved I'd not have been so ballsy. Hah! Anyway, it was lovely spending time with Twwly and her man in their natural habitat. I can't wait to return.
We packed up to head back to NYC around 6pm, and due to the shit ton of traffic into Brooklyn, I didn't return until 10pm. But huge big hugs and pastries with cinnamon to Mr. tmronin for being such an awesome chauffeur. Team Rockstar is mobile, bitches!
Upon my arrival back at the apartment, I got in contact with Miss JaiDee and Miss Krrn to plan the night's events. I soon after hopped on the subway to meet the ladies at the bar. It was the subway ride from hell. The trains were all fucked up (because, you know, it's the weekend. Duh.) and it took me 2 hours to get from Park Slope, Brooklyn to the West Village in Manhattan. Suffice to say I was pissed off. When I arrived at the bar, I discovered that Krrn had been standing outside the place for thirty minutes because they wouldn't let her underrage ass in. I certainly wasn't in the mood to deal with it, and nor was she, so we decided to wander the city instead. An hour or so later we came up with the brilliant idea of walking all the way home via the Brooklyn Bridge. We were psyched! So there we are, somewhere in Chinatown, waiting on the curb to cross the street... and then it happens. A cab comes FLYING around the corner and (we think purposely) drives into a massive puddle of fishy-germy-dirty Chinatown street water. Before we had the chance to even realize what was happening, we were DRENCHED. I mean in the mouth, mascara running, water in the ears, soaked clothes DRENCHED.
Clearly walking over the bridge was out of the question. We caught the next cab that drove by, got home as quickly as possible, and tore ass up the stairs and into the shower (no, not together, you sickos). We spent the rest of the night gossiping and chain smoking, with Rufus crooning in the background. I also had a quick phone conversation with my little sister, which made my night. Krrn and I passed out around 5:30am, just as the sun was coming up.
Then on Sunday, I didn't do much of anything aside from laundry and tending to my fianc. It seems that binge drinking in Naw'lins doesn't bode well for his health. We spent most of the day and evening curled up in front of the television, and finally moved to the bedroom at about 12:30a.
3. Tonight will consist of Yoga (hopefully with a competent teacher this time), porcini and tomato roasted chicken breast (which is currently marinating in a balsamic-garlic syrup in my fridge) and hopefully some cuddling (I mean, I AM making a huge meal after all). Hooray!
I've gotsta go tend to the crazy hairstylists before Aspen goes bald (kidding!). You kids enjoy your day... more tomorrow!
Shadow of the Day: D'Bohemia with a swipe of Dovefeather on the lashline.
1. Today at work there's a seminar happening called 'Curlaboration', of which I'm in charge. Basically a selection of hairstylists from all over the country come in to get certified in Lorraine Massey's revolutionary techniques in cutting and caring for curly hair, and Shari Harbinger's 'Pintura' hairpainting technique for coloring. Yes, it's work, but I have to say that it's definitely educational for me, too. I must admit... sometimes I LOVE my job.
Not to mention the three lovely ladies who graciously volunteered their heads for the class today - Miss Aspen, Miss Krrn and a Hopeful named Kim, whom I'm making up for a shoot with tmronin sometime soon. Thanks, girls!!
2. My weekend was relatively low-key, save for a few exciting events.
On Friday night after boxing, I called every party girl in my phonebook to try and plan a booty-shaking session... to no avail. I ended up making myself a gourmet meal (with the help of Union Market YAYAYAYA) and watching Maury all by my lonesome. It wasn't so bad.
Saturday was looking up when my platonic husband called to tell me he'd drag me along with him to Twwly's humble abode in PA for a three year old's birthday party. Hooray! I threw myself together and we hit the road around 12:30p. A couple lattes, a couple Cinnabons and a couple hours later, we arrived at the casa de Twil, complete with an inflatable castle. We partied toddler-style for a little while, and got a creature-filled tour of the place. After the birthday boy went for a nap, our hosts brought out the artillery... literally.

Note to self: Do NOT enter the house of Twwly unnanounced. She will not hestitate to bring the noise.

I was hyper mega triple super bomb intimidated by the guns, as I'd never held one before, but I meekly pulled the trigger a couple of times. I think with bullets involved I'd not have been so ballsy. Hah! Anyway, it was lovely spending time with Twwly and her man in their natural habitat. I can't wait to return.
We packed up to head back to NYC around 6pm, and due to the shit ton of traffic into Brooklyn, I didn't return until 10pm. But huge big hugs and pastries with cinnamon to Mr. tmronin for being such an awesome chauffeur. Team Rockstar is mobile, bitches!
Upon my arrival back at the apartment, I got in contact with Miss JaiDee and Miss Krrn to plan the night's events. I soon after hopped on the subway to meet the ladies at the bar. It was the subway ride from hell. The trains were all fucked up (because, you know, it's the weekend. Duh.) and it took me 2 hours to get from Park Slope, Brooklyn to the West Village in Manhattan. Suffice to say I was pissed off. When I arrived at the bar, I discovered that Krrn had been standing outside the place for thirty minutes because they wouldn't let her underrage ass in. I certainly wasn't in the mood to deal with it, and nor was she, so we decided to wander the city instead. An hour or so later we came up with the brilliant idea of walking all the way home via the Brooklyn Bridge. We were psyched! So there we are, somewhere in Chinatown, waiting on the curb to cross the street... and then it happens. A cab comes FLYING around the corner and (we think purposely) drives into a massive puddle of fishy-germy-dirty Chinatown street water. Before we had the chance to even realize what was happening, we were DRENCHED. I mean in the mouth, mascara running, water in the ears, soaked clothes DRENCHED.

Clearly walking over the bridge was out of the question. We caught the next cab that drove by, got home as quickly as possible, and tore ass up the stairs and into the shower (no, not together, you sickos). We spent the rest of the night gossiping and chain smoking, with Rufus crooning in the background. I also had a quick phone conversation with my little sister, which made my night. Krrn and I passed out around 5:30am, just as the sun was coming up.
Then on Sunday, I didn't do much of anything aside from laundry and tending to my fianc. It seems that binge drinking in Naw'lins doesn't bode well for his health. We spent most of the day and evening curled up in front of the television, and finally moved to the bedroom at about 12:30a.
3. Tonight will consist of Yoga (hopefully with a competent teacher this time), porcini and tomato roasted chicken breast (which is currently marinating in a balsamic-garlic syrup in my fridge) and hopefully some cuddling (I mean, I AM making a huge meal after all). Hooray!
I've gotsta go tend to the crazy hairstylists before Aspen goes bald (kidding!). You kids enjoy your day... more tomorrow!
Shadow of the Day: D'Bohemia with a swipe of Dovefeather on the lashline.

(Oh god I'm on Pattaaaahh Chuuunnng's ibook, and it's the hardest thing to use!! PC! PC!