Thursday/Friday: Everything is Gay/Less Play = More Work
1. Thank you, Quinne darling, for that morning laugh.
2. Holy crap, dude. As much as I absolutely adore this website, I have to admit that I got an assload of work done yesterday as a result of the site being down. So yay for me, I guess. But boo for the lack of naked entertainment.
3. I caught up on Tuesday's missed television on Wednesday night, and it was so refreshing to finally behold an actual COMPETITION on American Idol. All three contestants sang beautifully, but Bo was the only one who really performed. And I got my wish! Bo and Carrie in the finals! Honestly, I'll be happy no matter who wins because I like them both, but I'll leave you with three words until next week...
Bice is nice.
4. With the help of Krrn, Dan and I finished off the last of our pot stash. We're going to take some time off for financial reasons, among others.
In a related story, I ate two Canadian chocolate bars on Wednesday night. Let's just be happy there's no more pot in my house and leave it at that, shall we?
4. Also on Wednesday, I watched the latest episode of The Greatest Show On Television. To be honest I was a little too blazed to really understand what the hell was happening, but aside from the FUCKED UP executed-police situation, I think it was mostly another set-up episode.
God DAMMIT I love that show.
5. Last night, after spinning, Dan and I came home and cooked up some BBQ Salmon with baby carrots and red beans and rice for dinner, and watched White Noise. It was, frankly, boring. But there wer esome scary parts, and I'm a total sucker for this kind of thing because I'm hell of superstitious. So of course I had nightmares last night. Meh.
6. There was a meeting held in our office this morning, and I got free coffee from Balthazar as a result. Kick ASS.
7. If I was a cat, I'd look like this today:
8. So this weekend will heretoforth be called "Girlie's Vagina Weekend". This does not mean that the next three days will revolve around my vagina specifically, but vaginas in general. Dan is going to Naw'lins for ANOTHER bachelor party - let's hope I don't get any phone calls at 8am from strippers named Venus using my fianc's phone this time, yes?
I'm not sure yet what tonight's plan is, but tomorrow will consist of either a) a trip with tmronin to the sticks in Pennsylvania to get our party on toddler-style with my big sis, Twwly or b) staying in NY and spending the remainder of my christmas/birthday gift certificates. Then tomorrow night it's vaginas all over the place with Krrn, JaiDee, tuxy and god only knows who else. YAYAYAYAYA.
My love comes home on Sunday morning, and I'm sure there'll be snuggling involved.
So, to sum up my weekend, I simply have this:
HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! Talk to you kiddoes on Monday.
Shadow of the Day: Meadow.
EDIT to add the greatest link ever. Twwly and I stand on guard for thee.
1. Thank you, Quinne darling, for that morning laugh.
2. Holy crap, dude. As much as I absolutely adore this website, I have to admit that I got an assload of work done yesterday as a result of the site being down. So yay for me, I guess. But boo for the lack of naked entertainment.
3. I caught up on Tuesday's missed television on Wednesday night, and it was so refreshing to finally behold an actual COMPETITION on American Idol. All three contestants sang beautifully, but Bo was the only one who really performed. And I got my wish! Bo and Carrie in the finals! Honestly, I'll be happy no matter who wins because I like them both, but I'll leave you with three words until next week...
Bice is nice.

4. With the help of Krrn, Dan and I finished off the last of our pot stash. We're going to take some time off for financial reasons, among others.
In a related story, I ate two Canadian chocolate bars on Wednesday night. Let's just be happy there's no more pot in my house and leave it at that, shall we?

4. Also on Wednesday, I watched the latest episode of The Greatest Show On Television. To be honest I was a little too blazed to really understand what the hell was happening, but aside from the FUCKED UP executed-police situation, I think it was mostly another set-up episode.
God DAMMIT I love that show.
5. Last night, after spinning, Dan and I came home and cooked up some BBQ Salmon with baby carrots and red beans and rice for dinner, and watched White Noise. It was, frankly, boring. But there wer esome scary parts, and I'm a total sucker for this kind of thing because I'm hell of superstitious. So of course I had nightmares last night. Meh.
6. There was a meeting held in our office this morning, and I got free coffee from Balthazar as a result. Kick ASS.
7. If I was a cat, I'd look like this today:

8. So this weekend will heretoforth be called "Girlie's Vagina Weekend". This does not mean that the next three days will revolve around my vagina specifically, but vaginas in general. Dan is going to Naw'lins for ANOTHER bachelor party - let's hope I don't get any phone calls at 8am from strippers named Venus using my fianc's phone this time, yes?
I'm not sure yet what tonight's plan is, but tomorrow will consist of either a) a trip with tmronin to the sticks in Pennsylvania to get our party on toddler-style with my big sis, Twwly or b) staying in NY and spending the remainder of my christmas/birthday gift certificates. Then tomorrow night it's vaginas all over the place with Krrn, JaiDee, tuxy and god only knows who else. YAYAYAYAYA.
My love comes home on Sunday morning, and I'm sure there'll be snuggling involved.
So, to sum up my weekend, I simply have this:

HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! Talk to you kiddoes on Monday.
Shadow of the Day: Meadow.

EDIT to add the greatest link ever. Twwly and I stand on guard for thee.
dude, youre the best

Say whaaat? I have not and knew nothins about it or you would have surely heard from me. But the idea of a postcard being sent to me fills me with about 60% of the joy that actual reception would have brought-en.