Tuesday: Food, Glorious Food! What is There More 'Andsome?
1. Yes, I'm quoting musical theatre. Suck it up.
2. Ok, seriously this time: PUT. THE BONG. DOWN.
I hereby declare that from this moment forward, there will be absolutely NO MARIJUANA SMOKE in my lungs on weekdays/worknights. That means Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays are heretoforth POT FREE DAYS. It's cruel and unusual punishment to eliminate it from my life entirely, so I am allowing myself to smoke on the weekends. This is mostly due to the fact that I'm getting doughy again as a result of my out of control munchies. It's just got to stop - what the hell am I spending so much time in the gym for in the first damn place?!
3. Speaking of the gym, as promised last week, I went to my Monday night yoga class. I was SO looking forward to it - the teacher is awesome and I never fail to break a sweat in her class. But of course, the day I regain motivation is the day she has a sub.
The sub was terrible, naturally, and not only did I not break a sweat, I didn't get ANY kind of workout whatsoever. Besides perhaps a temper resistance session.
Next week will be better, I trust.
4. Here's two prints from the OTHER shoot I did on Sunday.
Thanks to Maiiah (the model) and Elizabeth Zusev (photographer).
5. I officially celebrated the season today by breakin' out the skirts and the cute flats. I look simply precious.
6. Tonight, it's boxing with Chris, then home to watch the final three on American Idol and, of course, The Greatest Show On Television. *pees pants*
And no pot. NO. POT.
7. Go wish the fabulous Miss Bailey a very happy birthday.
Shadow of the Day: Dovefeather.
1. Yes, I'm quoting musical theatre. Suck it up.
2. Ok, seriously this time: PUT. THE BONG. DOWN.

3. Speaking of the gym, as promised last week, I went to my Monday night yoga class. I was SO looking forward to it - the teacher is awesome and I never fail to break a sweat in her class. But of course, the day I regain motivation is the day she has a sub.

Next week will be better, I trust.
4. Here's two prints from the OTHER shoot I did on Sunday.

Thanks to Maiiah (the model) and Elizabeth Zusev (photographer).

5. I officially celebrated the season today by breakin' out the skirts and the cute flats. I look simply precious.

6. Tonight, it's boxing with Chris, then home to watch the final three on American Idol and, of course, The Greatest Show On Television. *pees pants*
And no pot. NO. POT.

7. Go wish the fabulous Miss Bailey a very happy birthday.
Shadow of the Day: Dovefeather.

what a wonderful compliment
those pics are AWESOME. nice work, babe