Wednesday: What a Fuckin' Train Wreck!
1. Britney's gonna squeeze out a pup with the King of Douche, Kevin Federline. Oh, Brit. Just when I think you might be getting your shit together, you go and get knocked up. And I love you for it.
2. So I went with Krrn to M.A.C yesterday afternoon to pick up the mascara of which I spoke yesterday. Back in the day when I worked for them, M.A.C was notorious for their shitty mascara formulas... but all their other products were so fucking kickass awesome that it sort of made it alright. Well, I found out this morning that nothing has changed. Boo! I'll return it tomorrow along with the Lychee Luxe Lipglass I purchased on Friday. Suffice to say I need to stop going there entirely - exactly where do I think I'm getting this money from??
3. I was wondering to myself yesterday is anyone every really clicks on all the fun links I go to the trouble to post in my journal. I often crack myself up with my incandescent wit.
4. Last night's episode of The Awesomest Show Ever was KICKASS. Holy crap. I've never been so engrossed in a television series EVER in my life - SATC came close, but not enough to be competition. God bless you, Shawn Ryan.
5. Speaking of television - despite the general idiocy of it's viewers, I enjoyed Idol last night. Again (as if I need to say it), Anthony, Anwar (flat much?) and Scott need to be booted in a bad way. But holy crap - Vonzell and Constantine KILLED it last night. They were the tits.
6. Today, Dan and I are going to see a lawyer about my immigration status. Everyone think warm, happy, dual-citizenshippy thougts for us.
7. Tonight, boxing with Juan!
Today I leave you with a picture detailing my feelings towards sushi.
Erotic, no?
Shadow of the Day: Dovefeather.
^I miss you^
1. Britney's gonna squeeze out a pup with the King of Douche, Kevin Federline. Oh, Brit. Just when I think you might be getting your shit together, you go and get knocked up. And I love you for it.
2. So I went with Krrn to M.A.C yesterday afternoon to pick up the mascara of which I spoke yesterday. Back in the day when I worked for them, M.A.C was notorious for their shitty mascara formulas... but all their other products were so fucking kickass awesome that it sort of made it alright. Well, I found out this morning that nothing has changed. Boo! I'll return it tomorrow along with the Lychee Luxe Lipglass I purchased on Friday. Suffice to say I need to stop going there entirely - exactly where do I think I'm getting this money from??

3. I was wondering to myself yesterday is anyone every really clicks on all the fun links I go to the trouble to post in my journal. I often crack myself up with my incandescent wit.
4. Last night's episode of The Awesomest Show Ever was KICKASS. Holy crap. I've never been so engrossed in a television series EVER in my life - SATC came close, but not enough to be competition. God bless you, Shawn Ryan.
5. Speaking of television - despite the general idiocy of it's viewers, I enjoyed Idol last night. Again (as if I need to say it), Anthony, Anwar (flat much?) and Scott need to be booted in a bad way. But holy crap - Vonzell and Constantine KILLED it last night. They were the tits.
6. Today, Dan and I are going to see a lawyer about my immigration status. Everyone think warm, happy, dual-citizenshippy thougts for us.
7. Tonight, boxing with Juan!
Today I leave you with a picture detailing my feelings towards sushi.

Erotic, no?
Shadow of the Day: Dovefeather.

^I miss you^
Also: Since you've been watching FX I'm going to ask you a really lame question.....have you seen any previews for the new season of Nip/Tuck??!?!?!