1. My body is feeling my unplanned hiatus from the gymnasium. The last time I went was Wednesday - boxing with Juan. And here it is, nearly one full week later, and I'm turning into Gumby. Hopefully the remainder of my head cold will disappear before my boxing class tonight (with Chris)... because I'm making myself go either way.
2. As previously mentioned, my weekend was chock full of fabulous. Check out my little sister's journal for more details. Meeting the bootastic missbernie (and her pet Sidecrack) was awesome, and I'm always thankful for time with the tyke. I wish she lived here.
Our adventures included:
- - an expensive trip to M.A.C - thank god for that discount.
- food at ChipShop, Republic and Kura Sushi.
- drinks at Lucky 13, Bembe and Satelite.
- shopping at Forever XXI and PetCo.
- lots of cursing, red wine, and mary jane.
I could go on, but suffice to say a tornado of love passed through my city this weekend.
3. As I mentioned yesterday, I had the priveledge of working with the monsterously talented tmronin this weekend on two sets - a hopeful named Shannon (who will heretoforth be referred to as 'my wifey') and the charming Raine. They both turned out beautifully and I can't wait to see them live. I'm really loving the opportunity to make these girls even more gorgeous for their sets.
4. FINALLY got caught up on The Greatest Show On Television last night. It was one of those episodes that wasn't very exciting, but set up a million things that you just KNOW are gonna be FUCKIN' KICKASS. I love that show. I love it. More tonight - and by the promo, it looks like Shane's digging his grave... just as I predicted. And Aceveda's TOTALLY gonna get his rape on! What WHAT!
5. I had the extreme pleasure of spending some time with Miss Twwly after work last night, and finally got to meet her sweetie-pie-sugar-dumpling AND El Gringo Loco. He's WAY smaller than he looks in pictures. ...Gringo, not Shane. Anyway, I shot the shit with those crazy kids and the insanely talented ymonster for a little over an hour before my head cold won the battle and forced me to head home and curl up on the couch for the remainder of the evening.
6. Dan bought chinese food for dinner last night so I wouldn't have to cook. Then he helped me choose some headshots for my make up portfolio, and I actually got some much needed rest last night. Aside from the mucus draining from every hole in my head, I feel much better.
7. Remind me to buy new mascara today - I keep forgetting and my eyelashes are starting to look like spiders.
Now, back to planning this IBS bullshit.
Shadow of the Day: Kid.
I sure hope that your return address is on the package because you are getting one hell of a thank you card sweetness. *huge hug*