Monday: *sniffle*
1. My seasonal allergies have been going bananas over the past few days - I am a mucous machine! Puffy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, the whole bit. The good news is... that means spring is near. *blows nose*
2. Low key weekend like WOAH! The hubby and I stayed in Brooklyn all weekend, only leaving the apartment for necessities.
a) After work on Friday, I came home and relaxed on the couch with Dan while Jeopardy kept us entertained. The hunger soon took over our brains, and we made our way over to Taro to stuff our faces. And stuff our faces, we SURE DID. I know I've said it here before, but aside from Nobu (which, really, should have it's own category), Taro is definitely the best sushi we've had in New York. And CHEAP! Plus, you know it's a good sign when half of the patrons are Japanese.
Anyway, we strolled home with full bellies and decided to have a relaxing (and frugal) night at home. I promptly slipped into something a little more comfortable and we proceeded to make our own entertainment.
b) Slept well into the afternoon on Saturday, and didn't get much done. Around 8p we hauled over to Great Lakes for a quick drink. While there, we decided on yet ANOTHER night in - this time with Italian fare. On our way back home we stopped into Red, White and Bubbly to expand our palate a little bit. We left with two bottles of red, feeling all grown-up and shit.
Upon Twwly's recommendation, we rented Ginger Snaps (a FINE piece of Canadian Cinema), and curled up on the couch with some penne vodka and chicken parm, sipping a Laguedoc. It doesn't get much better than that.
c) On Sunday we awoke to the mildly irritating clang of nearby churchbells. After feeding the cats, we threw on some clothes and walked to Starbucks for a couple of lattes. We had to purchase some cleaning products to take care of our filthy little apartment, so we decided to walk further south to Rite Aid to pick them up. We ended up spending some time in Barnes and Noble and buying Outwitting Cats - we'll see if it does any good.
Turned out that Rite Aid had nothing we needed, so we stopped at a few more places before heading home. The rest of the afternoon was spent studying (Dan) and gettin' crazy domestic (me). Did the laundry, scrubbed that bathroom and kitchen, did the dishes, organized the office, cleaned out my make up trunk - the works. It was 9p by the time we were finished, but totally worth it.
We reheated leftovers from the night before for dinner, and proceeded to polish off two more bottles of wine while watching Jeff Corwin make an ass of himself. I passed out around 1a.
Pretty decent weekend, if I do say so myself. And I do!
3. Something you may have noticed was missing from my weekend - The Gym. I took the entire weekend off, which always leaves me feeling enormous by Monday. I'll get back into the swing of things tonight with some Yoga, but until I'm actually in that studio I'll be wallowing in guilt.
4. Tonight, before I head home, I'll be stopping into Adorned to see my tattoo artist, Stephanie. I'm still having committment issues, but either way we should talk before I come in for a session. I also have a Christmas gift from Dan and me that we've yet to have the chance to give her.
5. My household has been smoke free for four days now.
Alright, kiddoes. Time to nurse this wine hangover and get some work done. Stay dry!
Shadow of the Day: ...I slept in.
^10 days!^
1. My seasonal allergies have been going bananas over the past few days - I am a mucous machine! Puffy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, the whole bit. The good news is... that means spring is near. *blows nose*
2. Low key weekend like WOAH! The hubby and I stayed in Brooklyn all weekend, only leaving the apartment for necessities.
a) After work on Friday, I came home and relaxed on the couch with Dan while Jeopardy kept us entertained. The hunger soon took over our brains, and we made our way over to Taro to stuff our faces. And stuff our faces, we SURE DID. I know I've said it here before, but aside from Nobu (which, really, should have it's own category), Taro is definitely the best sushi we've had in New York. And CHEAP! Plus, you know it's a good sign when half of the patrons are Japanese.
Anyway, we strolled home with full bellies and decided to have a relaxing (and frugal) night at home. I promptly slipped into something a little more comfortable and we proceeded to make our own entertainment.

b) Slept well into the afternoon on Saturday, and didn't get much done. Around 8p we hauled over to Great Lakes for a quick drink. While there, we decided on yet ANOTHER night in - this time with Italian fare. On our way back home we stopped into Red, White and Bubbly to expand our palate a little bit. We left with two bottles of red, feeling all grown-up and shit.
Upon Twwly's recommendation, we rented Ginger Snaps (a FINE piece of Canadian Cinema), and curled up on the couch with some penne vodka and chicken parm, sipping a Laguedoc. It doesn't get much better than that.
c) On Sunday we awoke to the mildly irritating clang of nearby churchbells. After feeding the cats, we threw on some clothes and walked to Starbucks for a couple of lattes. We had to purchase some cleaning products to take care of our filthy little apartment, so we decided to walk further south to Rite Aid to pick them up. We ended up spending some time in Barnes and Noble and buying Outwitting Cats - we'll see if it does any good.
Turned out that Rite Aid had nothing we needed, so we stopped at a few more places before heading home. The rest of the afternoon was spent studying (Dan) and gettin' crazy domestic (me). Did the laundry, scrubbed that bathroom and kitchen, did the dishes, organized the office, cleaned out my make up trunk - the works. It was 9p by the time we were finished, but totally worth it.
We reheated leftovers from the night before for dinner, and proceeded to polish off two more bottles of wine while watching Jeff Corwin make an ass of himself. I passed out around 1a.
Pretty decent weekend, if I do say so myself. And I do!
3. Something you may have noticed was missing from my weekend - The Gym. I took the entire weekend off, which always leaves me feeling enormous by Monday. I'll get back into the swing of things tonight with some Yoga, but until I'm actually in that studio I'll be wallowing in guilt.

4. Tonight, before I head home, I'll be stopping into Adorned to see my tattoo artist, Stephanie. I'm still having committment issues, but either way we should talk before I come in for a session. I also have a Christmas gift from Dan and me that we've yet to have the chance to give her.

5. My household has been smoke free for four days now.
Alright, kiddoes. Time to nurse this wine hangover and get some work done. Stay dry!
Shadow of the Day: ...I slept in.

^10 days!^
I hope you slipped into a Hustler's cyber-skin strap-on, thats what came up for the link
xoxo me