Tuesday: Journals Are Easier This Way, Dammit.
1. Just finished going through the first set of proofs from the shoot with Jordan this weekend. First: tmronin rocks bells like no one's business. If you're gonna get naked in front of a camera, make sure he's behind it. Second: Jordan is smoking hot. Third: I'm pleased with my makeup job. There aren't a lot of shots that really let you see it, but the ones that do look great.
Moral of the Story: tmronin+Girlie=More Fabulous Than You Can Shake A Stick At.
2. I was feeling out of whack last night (no doubt because of the hormones coursing through my body this week), so I skipped yoga for the second week in a row. I'm having minor guilt over it, but that'll pass around 8pm this evening when I'm beating the stuffing out of the bag.
2a. Instead of downward dog, I uploaded a bunch more CDs into iTunes and made leftover organic vegan sketti for dinner. We curled up on our couch with another bottle of wine and pigged out while talking about our weekend. It was lovely, and I was asleep by 12:30.
3. As you can see by my new profile picture, I was a child of the 80's. You can also see that red is not my natural color. It always kind of surprises me when people think I'm a natural redhead. Maybe it's because of my insanely Irish name.
Newsflash: I'm Polish-Canadian.
...and naturally blonde. Which means that pretty much every joke in history is somehow at my expense. Neat!
4. Tonight's the night.
I don't think I've ever been more excited about a season premiere in my life. *pees*
5. Looking forward to ymonster's birthday celebration this weekend.
Alright, I'm gonna try my best to be productive now.
Shadow of the Day: Purple Haze.
^23 days^
1. Just finished going through the first set of proofs from the shoot with Jordan this weekend. First: tmronin rocks bells like no one's business. If you're gonna get naked in front of a camera, make sure he's behind it. Second: Jordan is smoking hot. Third: I'm pleased with my makeup job. There aren't a lot of shots that really let you see it, but the ones that do look great.
Moral of the Story: tmronin+Girlie=More Fabulous Than You Can Shake A Stick At.
2. I was feeling out of whack last night (no doubt because of the hormones coursing through my body this week), so I skipped yoga for the second week in a row. I'm having minor guilt over it, but that'll pass around 8pm this evening when I'm beating the stuffing out of the bag.
2a. Instead of downward dog, I uploaded a bunch more CDs into iTunes and made leftover organic vegan sketti for dinner. We curled up on our couch with another bottle of wine and pigged out while talking about our weekend. It was lovely, and I was asleep by 12:30.
3. As you can see by my new profile picture, I was a child of the 80's. You can also see that red is not my natural color. It always kind of surprises me when people think I'm a natural redhead. Maybe it's because of my insanely Irish name.
Newsflash: I'm Polish-Canadian.
...and naturally blonde. Which means that pretty much every joke in history is somehow at my expense. Neat!
4. Tonight's the night.

I don't think I've ever been more excited about a season premiere in my life. *pees*
5. Looking forward to ymonster's birthday celebration this weekend.
Alright, I'm gonna try my best to be productive now.
Shadow of the Day: Purple Haze.

^23 days^
I love being a child of the 80's but would much rather be a child of the 70's. Although then I'd be much older then I care to think about.
Hi. You're my best friend.