Wednesday: ...I'm sorry, pardon?
Christ, I'm distracted today. My mind is on overdrive lately.
Before I forget, here's a little sample of my Saturday night:
I'm smiling SO HARD in that picture, how awful. Anyway, that's Mariska Hargitay. Aside from Pink, she was the celebrity I most wanted to meet, so it was pretty much the best picture ever taken. I want her to adopt me. I'll even take her last name.
Not much about which to write today. Last night was fairly uneventful. After boxing, I bopped home while listening to X to the Z, then upon arriving home it was business as usual. Shower, dinner, pot and booty. I passed out around 12:30, which is entirely too late. I felt like a bag of assholes this morning. Thank the Christ for Yukon Blend.
OH. This morning, as per my regular routine, I was preparing something to take for lunch today. The only thing I would find was a can of tuna, so I whipped up a ghetto tuna sammich and threw it in a ziploc bag. After putting the stinky meal in my backpack, I went to the bathroom to make myself presentable. About 20 minutes later, I came back out to pack the rest of my shit up, and noticed that the sandwich went missing. I knew instantly what had happened, and looked around the corner to find the notorious Banapple Gas eating a hole through the bag, tuna all over his face and paws.
As soon as he saw me, he took off like a rocket and I didn't see him for the rest of the morning.
Suffice to say he's on my shit list. Especially since my lunch is now canned tomato soup.
Shadow of the day: Goldmine.

Christ, I'm distracted today. My mind is on overdrive lately.
Before I forget, here's a little sample of my Saturday night:

I'm smiling SO HARD in that picture, how awful. Anyway, that's Mariska Hargitay. Aside from Pink, she was the celebrity I most wanted to meet, so it was pretty much the best picture ever taken. I want her to adopt me. I'll even take her last name.

Not much about which to write today. Last night was fairly uneventful. After boxing, I bopped home while listening to X to the Z, then upon arriving home it was business as usual. Shower, dinner, pot and booty. I passed out around 12:30, which is entirely too late. I felt like a bag of assholes this morning. Thank the Christ for Yukon Blend.
OH. This morning, as per my regular routine, I was preparing something to take for lunch today. The only thing I would find was a can of tuna, so I whipped up a ghetto tuna sammich and threw it in a ziploc bag. After putting the stinky meal in my backpack, I went to the bathroom to make myself presentable. About 20 minutes later, I came back out to pack the rest of my shit up, and noticed that the sandwich went missing. I knew instantly what had happened, and looked around the corner to find the notorious Banapple Gas eating a hole through the bag, tuna all over his face and paws.

Suffice to say he's on my shit list. Especially since my lunch is now canned tomato soup.

Shadow of the day: Goldmine.

Nuthin I like better than touchin the ladies 

that picture is too fucking cute! and that lady...damn i've seen her on something but i can't remember what. hmmm....