Monday: My Dad's Better Than Your Dad
Holy Crap, my weekend KILLED IT.
So my Dad and my best friend arrived around 8pm on Friday night, tuckered out and ready to chow down. We went to our favorite little italian bistro, Art Pasta, for a delicious dinner and even deliciouser red wine. The food was incredible, the conversation was even better. We got home and slept like babies that night.
Saturday we got up and went for brunch, sans Dan as he was feeling sickly. After stuffing our faces, we took a little stroll along 7th Avenue (Park Slope) until we found ourselves at Target. A few make up items, a box of garbage bags, a SpongeBob toilet seat and a jewelry box later, we were on our way home via 5th Avenue. Dad was feeling a little sleepy, so he went home to chill with his future son in law while Alicia and I treated ourselves to manicure/pedicures. While having our callouses shaved, Rosie Perez plopped down right between us and joined in the party. What fun!
After the celebrity nail spa, we made our way to Taro for copious amounts of raw fish and sake. Feeling a little fuzzy after dinner, we stumbled back to the apartment so Dad could get changed before he and Dan could get going. While the boys took in a live performance of SNL (hence the name), Alicia and I got our primp on. Around 12:30, looking fabulous, we headed out to meet the boys post-show at 30 Rock. The afterparty was, thankfully, only a couple of blocks away, and before we knew it we were enjoying vodka tonics amongst celebrities. What a life. The highlight of my evening was undoubtedly the moment at which my arms were around Mariska's waist while Dan snapped a picture.
We got home around 4:30a and proceeded to pass out.
Though I could easily have slept until 3 or 4 the next afternoon, I forced myself to my feet around 1:30 and woke Alicia up. Dan, again, wasn't feeling fabulous, plus he had to work on a paper for school, so he stayed home while we bundled up and headed into Manhattan for brunch at Josie's. Big mistake. We left around 2, and after driving in and then searching for parking, it was after 4pm. Suffice to say the brunch menu was no longer available.
Anyway, we still enjoyed our meals and soon after headed to Central Park to see The Gates. I'm really not much of an art critic, but it was neat.
After strolling around the UWS for a little while, we headed back to the apartment to pick up Dan and head over to ChipShop for a late dinner. 'Twas lovely, as usual. Fried everything. We were wiped from the weekend, so we walked home and cozied up in front of the TV to watch some old SNL shows. Dad was the first to pass out, and the remaining three of us holed up in our bedroom to smoke some pot. We didn't last much longer after that.
Alas, here I am, back at my desk - back to the grind. But I had a great weekend with three of my favorite people, and made out with a new toilet seat, purdy nails and a $20 strapless spring dress to boot.
Pictures soon.
Tonight: Laundry, dishes, yoga, organizing, fucking like rabbits.
Life is good.

Holy Crap, my weekend KILLED IT.
So my Dad and my best friend arrived around 8pm on Friday night, tuckered out and ready to chow down. We went to our favorite little italian bistro, Art Pasta, for a delicious dinner and even deliciouser red wine. The food was incredible, the conversation was even better. We got home and slept like babies that night.
Saturday we got up and went for brunch, sans Dan as he was feeling sickly. After stuffing our faces, we took a little stroll along 7th Avenue (Park Slope) until we found ourselves at Target. A few make up items, a box of garbage bags, a SpongeBob toilet seat and a jewelry box later, we were on our way home via 5th Avenue. Dad was feeling a little sleepy, so he went home to chill with his future son in law while Alicia and I treated ourselves to manicure/pedicures. While having our callouses shaved, Rosie Perez plopped down right between us and joined in the party. What fun!
After the celebrity nail spa, we made our way to Taro for copious amounts of raw fish and sake. Feeling a little fuzzy after dinner, we stumbled back to the apartment so Dad could get changed before he and Dan could get going. While the boys took in a live performance of SNL (hence the name), Alicia and I got our primp on. Around 12:30, looking fabulous, we headed out to meet the boys post-show at 30 Rock. The afterparty was, thankfully, only a couple of blocks away, and before we knew it we were enjoying vodka tonics amongst celebrities. What a life. The highlight of my evening was undoubtedly the moment at which my arms were around Mariska's waist while Dan snapped a picture.

We got home around 4:30a and proceeded to pass out.
Though I could easily have slept until 3 or 4 the next afternoon, I forced myself to my feet around 1:30 and woke Alicia up. Dan, again, wasn't feeling fabulous, plus he had to work on a paper for school, so he stayed home while we bundled up and headed into Manhattan for brunch at Josie's. Big mistake. We left around 2, and after driving in and then searching for parking, it was after 4pm. Suffice to say the brunch menu was no longer available.

After strolling around the UWS for a little while, we headed back to the apartment to pick up Dan and head over to ChipShop for a late dinner. 'Twas lovely, as usual. Fried everything. We were wiped from the weekend, so we walked home and cozied up in front of the TV to watch some old SNL shows. Dad was the first to pass out, and the remaining three of us holed up in our bedroom to smoke some pot. We didn't last much longer after that.
Alas, here I am, back at my desk - back to the grind. But I had a great weekend with three of my favorite people, and made out with a new toilet seat, purdy nails and a $20 strapless spring dress to boot.
Pictures soon.
Tonight: Laundry, dishes, yoga, organizing, fucking like rabbits.
Life is good.