DANG IT, I love me some Thursday.
I hope I wasn't the only one who had the chance last night to see the fucking atrocity that was Wife Swap. More info HERE and HERE and HERE. I don't have it in me to go into details, but I was in tears by the end of the show, and am still filled with rage today. It was completely disgusting. Call me naive, but I am astonished that people like that still exist in a 'free' country. It all only reinforces my distaste for all things republican/religious/conservative.
Cover me in tattoos, pass me a blunt and feed me to the lesbians. Stat.
Moving on.
Boxing last night was out of control - more so than usual. Not a lot of people showed up, so I guess Juan took that opportunity to torture us. I lost count after 110 push ups. My gym-buddy, Madeline, came with and fell victim to the wrath of Juan, too. I feel like I've been beaten about the body with a crowbar.
Who am I kidding. I love it.
Dan and I are in the process of disciplining our cats, who feel the need to terrorize the apartment as soon as the sun comes up, then again at bedtime. It's cute for like the first few minutes, then they start knocking shit over and making an assload of noise. We normally wouldn't be so worried about it, but the new building into which we moved has quiet hours, so when our downstairs neighbors come back from Bosnia (or wherever the hell they are THIS month) we know we're gonna get shit regarding our jungle. Anyway, we're using the tried and true spray-bottle method. We have a couple of them, and upon my return from the gym last night, I saw that Dan had created a 'Bad Cat Spray' label for one of the bottles, complete with pictures of all our kitties. How cute is that?
Answer: SO CUTE.
Also, Dan got word yesterday that he GOT the summer internship at The State Attorney General's Office. In case you aren't aware, that's a FUCKING HUGE DEAL!! So yeah, go congratulate him. Go! Do it! DO IT NOW!!
Tonight, more of the same. Spinning (with Ande, YAY), salad, mary jane, nookie, sleepy time. I mean, really - who could ask for anything more?
MMmmmMm, Shimmermoss.

I hope I wasn't the only one who had the chance last night to see the fucking atrocity that was Wife Swap. More info HERE and HERE and HERE. I don't have it in me to go into details, but I was in tears by the end of the show, and am still filled with rage today. It was completely disgusting. Call me naive, but I am astonished that people like that still exist in a 'free' country. It all only reinforces my distaste for all things republican/religious/conservative.
Cover me in tattoos, pass me a blunt and feed me to the lesbians. Stat.
Moving on.

Boxing last night was out of control - more so than usual. Not a lot of people showed up, so I guess Juan took that opportunity to torture us. I lost count after 110 push ups. My gym-buddy, Madeline, came with and fell victim to the wrath of Juan, too. I feel like I've been beaten about the body with a crowbar.
Who am I kidding. I love it.

Dan and I are in the process of disciplining our cats, who feel the need to terrorize the apartment as soon as the sun comes up, then again at bedtime. It's cute for like the first few minutes, then they start knocking shit over and making an assload of noise. We normally wouldn't be so worried about it, but the new building into which we moved has quiet hours, so when our downstairs neighbors come back from Bosnia (or wherever the hell they are THIS month) we know we're gonna get shit regarding our jungle. Anyway, we're using the tried and true spray-bottle method. We have a couple of them, and upon my return from the gym last night, I saw that Dan had created a 'Bad Cat Spray' label for one of the bottles, complete with pictures of all our kitties. How cute is that?
Answer: SO CUTE.
Also, Dan got word yesterday that he GOT the summer internship at The State Attorney General's Office. In case you aren't aware, that's a FUCKING HUGE DEAL!! So yeah, go congratulate him. Go! Do it! DO IT NOW!!
Tonight, more of the same. Spinning (with Ande, YAY), salad, mary jane, nookie, sleepy time. I mean, really - who could ask for anything more?
MMmmmMm, Shimmermoss.

Have to get up early to substitute teach when its not snowing.