Meh, Mondays. Meh meh meh.
Suffice to say I'm relieved that this weekend is over and done with. With the help of Krrn, NadzofSteel (who saw me in all my natural glory), and a smattering of Dan's good buddies, we got everything moved in by 4:30. This was no simple task, so we treated everyone to a big greasy dinner at ChipShop. Batter was devoured, beer was guzzled, good times were had by all.
Then we all went our seperate ways, and Dan and I headed home.
And that's where the fun began.
From 6:30 until 12:30, we did our best to get the apartment in working order, as we were both expected to be functional today. So, while the cats got acquainted with the place (read: terrorized), we got to work. I took care of the bathroom and kitchen while Dan assembled the living room and office space. We tried our best to stay the hell out of eachother's way, as we knew tempers were high. When we couldn't take it anymore, we threw a frozen pizza in the oven and got friendly-like with the bong, and spent the next 45 minutes watching The UCB and groaning about our sore muscles.
All in all, it was a success. I lost one bathroom organizer and one pet snake in the fray. So I guess I can't complain too much.
This morning, when my alarm went off, I decided that I needed another hour and that my boss would just have to understand. Normally this wouldn't be such a problem, but of course since I seem to have been like a Nazi General or something in a past life, luck would have it that the place was robbed on Friday night. The big boss was frantically trying to find me this morning, and proceeded to let everyone know that 'he'll have to have a meeting with me' bla bla bla. GD it. Anyway, looks like I'm going to take my fair share of shit sometime in the near future. Hooray. In the meantime, I'ma just do my job.
Tonight I'm going to make my fantastical organic vegan spsketti sauce, and go to my spinning class while it simmers. Of course, we have some more unpacking and organizing and cursing to do, too. And I should probably do a load or two of laundry, since I've been wearing the same pair of jeans for over a week now.
I hope everyone else's weekend was a little less dramatic.
Today, I shall leave you with another Christmas pic.
My two most favoritest men in this world.
Let's get this week over with,

Suffice to say I'm relieved that this weekend is over and done with. With the help of Krrn, NadzofSteel (who saw me in all my natural glory), and a smattering of Dan's good buddies, we got everything moved in by 4:30. This was no simple task, so we treated everyone to a big greasy dinner at ChipShop. Batter was devoured, beer was guzzled, good times were had by all.
Then we all went our seperate ways, and Dan and I headed home.
And that's where the fun began.
From 6:30 until 12:30, we did our best to get the apartment in working order, as we were both expected to be functional today. So, while the cats got acquainted with the place (read: terrorized), we got to work. I took care of the bathroom and kitchen while Dan assembled the living room and office space. We tried our best to stay the hell out of eachother's way, as we knew tempers were high. When we couldn't take it anymore, we threw a frozen pizza in the oven and got friendly-like with the bong, and spent the next 45 minutes watching The UCB and groaning about our sore muscles.
All in all, it was a success. I lost one bathroom organizer and one pet snake in the fray. So I guess I can't complain too much.
This morning, when my alarm went off, I decided that I needed another hour and that my boss would just have to understand. Normally this wouldn't be such a problem, but of course since I seem to have been like a Nazi General or something in a past life, luck would have it that the place was robbed on Friday night. The big boss was frantically trying to find me this morning, and proceeded to let everyone know that 'he'll have to have a meeting with me' bla bla bla. GD it. Anyway, looks like I'm going to take my fair share of shit sometime in the near future. Hooray. In the meantime, I'ma just do my job.
Tonight I'm going to make my fantastical organic vegan spsketti sauce, and go to my spinning class while it simmers. Of course, we have some more unpacking and organizing and cursing to do, too. And I should probably do a load or two of laundry, since I've been wearing the same pair of jeans for over a week now.
I hope everyone else's weekend was a little less dramatic.
Today, I shall leave you with another Christmas pic.

My two most favoritest men in this world.
Let's get this week over with,

how's the new place?