Fuckin' ay right, I made it through another week.
While on the train this morning, I saw a multitude of women who clearly hadn't a clue what they were doing when it came to maquillage. I see this kind of thing every day, and I have to use every ounce of self-control I posess not to confront them about it. Not to toot my own horn, but working for M.A.C. and Aveda has pretty much turned me into a critic. I just want to scream "BLEND!! BLEND!!" at the top of my lungs.
And who in their right mind wears black eyeliner on their lips?!
Moving on.
I had the world's craziest dream last night. Get this: For some reason, Dan and I lived in some suburban neighborhood, and at one point we realized that Eli lived on the opposite corner from us. Now, I don't remember all the details, but I think we invited her to come out with us (which was a blur), and she ended up coming back to our place. It seemed that we were all a little tipsy or something, and everyone hit the sack. When I woke up (in the dream, not for real), I realized that I had fallen asleep on our futon, and Dan and Eli were in the bedroom. Alone. In bed. Together. Next thing I know, I'm SCREAMING at him, hitting him, slapping him, the whole bit. He was denying any hanky panky, but it didn't hinder me in the least. I even remember saying, "I'm just gonna go 'lay down' in a bed with some hot guy, and we'll see how you feel". WTF?! During my tirade, Eli came sulking out of the bedroom, trying to sneak past me and out the front door. I called her all sorts of nasty names and shoved her out the door, slamming it hard enough that it hit her in the ass. Everything after that was a bit of a blur, but when I woke up I was PISSED. It took me a few minutes in the shower to realize that it was all a dream.
Seriously, I need therapy.
Another XMas picture - I'm a domestic goddess.
Yeah, now you know why Dan's REALLY with me.
Tonight, after work, I'm going straight to the new place to unpack and set up as much as we can before the big move this Sunday. We want things to go as smoothly as a move up 4 flights of stairs can possibly go. It should be interesting, to say the least.
In case I don't get the chance to update with all the hubub, everyone have an awesome weekend.
I know what time it is,

While on the train this morning, I saw a multitude of women who clearly hadn't a clue what they were doing when it came to maquillage. I see this kind of thing every day, and I have to use every ounce of self-control I posess not to confront them about it. Not to toot my own horn, but working for M.A.C. and Aveda has pretty much turned me into a critic. I just want to scream "BLEND!! BLEND!!" at the top of my lungs.
And who in their right mind wears black eyeliner on their lips?!

Moving on.
I had the world's craziest dream last night. Get this: For some reason, Dan and I lived in some suburban neighborhood, and at one point we realized that Eli lived on the opposite corner from us. Now, I don't remember all the details, but I think we invited her to come out with us (which was a blur), and she ended up coming back to our place. It seemed that we were all a little tipsy or something, and everyone hit the sack. When I woke up (in the dream, not for real), I realized that I had fallen asleep on our futon, and Dan and Eli were in the bedroom. Alone. In bed. Together. Next thing I know, I'm SCREAMING at him, hitting him, slapping him, the whole bit. He was denying any hanky panky, but it didn't hinder me in the least. I even remember saying, "I'm just gonna go 'lay down' in a bed with some hot guy, and we'll see how you feel". WTF?! During my tirade, Eli came sulking out of the bedroom, trying to sneak past me and out the front door. I called her all sorts of nasty names and shoved her out the door, slamming it hard enough that it hit her in the ass. Everything after that was a bit of a blur, but when I woke up I was PISSED. It took me a few minutes in the shower to realize that it was all a dream.
Seriously, I need therapy.

Another XMas picture - I'm a domestic goddess.

Yeah, now you know why Dan's REALLY with me.
Tonight, after work, I'm going straight to the new place to unpack and set up as much as we can before the big move this Sunday. We want things to go as smoothly as a move up 4 flights of stairs can possibly go. It should be interesting, to say the least.
In case I don't get the chance to update with all the hubub, everyone have an awesome weekend.
I know what time it is,

I'm sorry if you soiled yourself!!!!