Monday, Monday
Can't trust that day
Monday, Monday
Sometimes it just turns out that way
Oh, Monday morning you gave me no warning
Of what was to be!!
Friday: First moving day. It was fucking freezing cold. All's well that ends well. Stayed in that night, watched The Forgotten. Scary shit, right there.
Saturday: Snow, much?! Left the house twice - once to see The Aviator (rock) and again to pick up a few groceries. Stayed in again, watched SNL. Fun times.
Sunday: Awakened at noon by some unnanounced assholes wanting to view the apartment. Dicked around all day, then called the gym at 6:30 to make sure they were open and headed over there. Got home, showered, ordered Daisy's and watched some telly. Passed out around 1a.
And there you have it, another exciting weekend in the life of Girlie.
This week, same old same old. Work, gym, eat, sleep. Then on Friday night, Dan and I are gonna head over to the new place to set the majority of our shit up to prepare for the big move on Sunday. If everything goes as planned, it'll be quick and easy. But let's face it, nothing ever goes as planned.
Looking forward to the next few weekends, though. Can't wait to chill with the infamous Twwly on the first weekend in February, then the Anti-Valentine's Day Party the following weekend, then my Dad and my best friend are coming on the 18th. How excited am I?!?!? SO excited. *squeal*
Alright, time to earn my keep.
Go console my lil' sister - the Steelers lost.

Can't trust that day
Monday, Monday
Sometimes it just turns out that way
Oh, Monday morning you gave me no warning
Of what was to be!!

Friday: First moving day. It was fucking freezing cold. All's well that ends well. Stayed in that night, watched The Forgotten. Scary shit, right there.
Saturday: Snow, much?! Left the house twice - once to see The Aviator (rock) and again to pick up a few groceries. Stayed in again, watched SNL. Fun times.
Sunday: Awakened at noon by some unnanounced assholes wanting to view the apartment. Dicked around all day, then called the gym at 6:30 to make sure they were open and headed over there. Got home, showered, ordered Daisy's and watched some telly. Passed out around 1a.
And there you have it, another exciting weekend in the life of Girlie.

This week, same old same old. Work, gym, eat, sleep. Then on Friday night, Dan and I are gonna head over to the new place to set the majority of our shit up to prepare for the big move on Sunday. If everything goes as planned, it'll be quick and easy. But let's face it, nothing ever goes as planned.
Looking forward to the next few weekends, though. Can't wait to chill with the infamous Twwly on the first weekend in February, then the Anti-Valentine's Day Party the following weekend, then my Dad and my best friend are coming on the 18th. How excited am I?!?!? SO excited. *squeal*
Alright, time to earn my keep.
Go console my lil' sister - the Steelers lost.

I"M A HOMO, AHHAHHAHahhahh.......
mmm Hmmm