Three day weekend!!!
Yeah, I'm taking tomorrow off for the first installation of THE BIG MOVE. We're renting a truck and doing as much as we can in 24 hours. Krrn and Gay Nick are gonna lend a hand and a limp wrist, respectively, in exchange for eternal friendship. Should be fun, kinda.
Tonight, after spinning, Dan and I are jumping in a cab with a bunch of cleaning supplies to get our scrub on at the new place. Oddly enough, I'm looking forward to it. I'm glad we took posession of the place before our old lease was up. We don't have to rush anything. Brilliant.
Another boxing class last night, different instructor. On Tuesdays and Fridays, it's Chris. Chris is a big jokester. He reminds me of Luda, only crazy built. Anyway, his class is more on the fun side of things - crazy music, lots of laughs, etc.. On Wednesdays and Sundays, it's Juan. He's more like DMX. He's all about technique - posture, proper execution of punches and footwork, keeping focussed. This is not to say he's not fun - he really is. But if you're not paying attention, he'll get right up in your face and tell you to wake up, then make you drop and give him 20. He's tough. A lot of people don't take his class because they think he's a total dick. But I like it - he makes me work harder and focus, which only makes me stronger.
In other news, the Hair and Makeup Director from Six Feet Under called me yesterday. Evidently, the lovely Miss Lauren Ambrose (whom I'm told resembles me) has demanded that our products be used at HBO. Naturally, I'm sending them a bunch of free shit along with a letter to Ms. Ambrose alerting her to my personal extention. FLIPPIN' SWEET.
In case I don't get to update...enjoy your weekend, dolls!

Yeah, I'm taking tomorrow off for the first installation of THE BIG MOVE. We're renting a truck and doing as much as we can in 24 hours. Krrn and Gay Nick are gonna lend a hand and a limp wrist, respectively, in exchange for eternal friendship. Should be fun, kinda.
Tonight, after spinning, Dan and I are jumping in a cab with a bunch of cleaning supplies to get our scrub on at the new place. Oddly enough, I'm looking forward to it. I'm glad we took posession of the place before our old lease was up. We don't have to rush anything. Brilliant.
Another boxing class last night, different instructor. On Tuesdays and Fridays, it's Chris. Chris is a big jokester. He reminds me of Luda, only crazy built. Anyway, his class is more on the fun side of things - crazy music, lots of laughs, etc.. On Wednesdays and Sundays, it's Juan. He's more like DMX. He's all about technique - posture, proper execution of punches and footwork, keeping focussed. This is not to say he's not fun - he really is. But if you're not paying attention, he'll get right up in your face and tell you to wake up, then make you drop and give him 20. He's tough. A lot of people don't take his class because they think he's a total dick. But I like it - he makes me work harder and focus, which only makes me stronger.
In other news, the Hair and Makeup Director from Six Feet Under called me yesterday. Evidently, the lovely Miss Lauren Ambrose (whom I'm told resembles me) has demanded that our products be used at HBO. Naturally, I'm sending them a bunch of free shit along with a letter to Ms. Ambrose alerting her to my personal extention. FLIPPIN' SWEET.
In case I don't get to update...enjoy your weekend, dolls!

thank you for sharing your stats. i love a girl who kicks ass. i haven't been able to since i injured my knees, but that's a lame excuse. i find something to punch. boxing classes rule!
good luck and have a great weekend!