EDIT to say I'M THE BIRTHDAY GIRL! *squeal!*
So it seems that I've developed a pinched nerve in my back. On Wednesday night after my workout, I was stretching and when I leaned over to stretch my back, I noticed that from a certain point in my spine all the way to the tips of my fingers....I went numb. Not fully numb, bore of a tingly numb. I wasn't in any pain and it didn't seems like a huge deal - I thought maybe I just overdid it or something - so I shrugged my shoulders and forgot about it. Then when I got to work yesterday, I discovered that if I moved my neck a certain way, the same numb tingly thing happened. And when I leaned over and touched my toes, it was even worse, and I got all lightheaded and fuzzy. Naturally, I freaked out. Needless to say, I skipped the gym last night and am seeing my physical therapist/chiropractor today. Lame.
However, skipping the gym last night was....lovely. Usually when I miss a workout I flip out and obsess about my gut. But this time it was really nice. I came home, put on my comfies, and vegged out in front of the television, only getting up once to pick some things up from the grocery store. When my hot hunk of man got home (with a considerable amount of bud), we smoked, ate, and fucked until all we could do was giggle. I really needed that.
In other news, I had a racy dream about Chloe last night. Dan and I were at a strip club with my friend Gay Nick (??) and three strippers approached us for private lap dances. When I got into the little private room, it seems that I lucked out big time as Chloe was there with me. For some reason, this 'lapdance' required both of us to be naked. I certainly wasn't arguing. Suffice to say it was insanely, ridiculously hot. I remember Trixie being in the dream that followed....but only vaguely. Whatever - entirely too much hot for one night of dreams.
Dan and I watched what I think was the funniest episode of the Simpsons EVER last night. As a result, the following:
Canadians will henceforth be referred to as 'puck slapping maple suckers'.
Americans will henceforth be referred to as 'Shatner stealing Mexico touchers'.
I cannot stop laughing.
Also, from last night's Daily Show - please visit NBK66 and remind him that he is a jaguar of the immortal fire.
Cryptically yours,

So it seems that I've developed a pinched nerve in my back. On Wednesday night after my workout, I was stretching and when I leaned over to stretch my back, I noticed that from a certain point in my spine all the way to the tips of my fingers....I went numb. Not fully numb, bore of a tingly numb. I wasn't in any pain and it didn't seems like a huge deal - I thought maybe I just overdid it or something - so I shrugged my shoulders and forgot about it. Then when I got to work yesterday, I discovered that if I moved my neck a certain way, the same numb tingly thing happened. And when I leaned over and touched my toes, it was even worse, and I got all lightheaded and fuzzy. Naturally, I freaked out. Needless to say, I skipped the gym last night and am seeing my physical therapist/chiropractor today. Lame.
However, skipping the gym last night was....lovely. Usually when I miss a workout I flip out and obsess about my gut. But this time it was really nice. I came home, put on my comfies, and vegged out in front of the television, only getting up once to pick some things up from the grocery store. When my hot hunk of man got home (with a considerable amount of bud), we smoked, ate, and fucked until all we could do was giggle. I really needed that.
In other news, I had a racy dream about Chloe last night. Dan and I were at a strip club with my friend Gay Nick (??) and three strippers approached us for private lap dances. When I got into the little private room, it seems that I lucked out big time as Chloe was there with me. For some reason, this 'lapdance' required both of us to be naked. I certainly wasn't arguing. Suffice to say it was insanely, ridiculously hot. I remember Trixie being in the dream that followed....but only vaguely. Whatever - entirely too much hot for one night of dreams.
Dan and I watched what I think was the funniest episode of the Simpsons EVER last night. As a result, the following:
Canadians will henceforth be referred to as 'puck slapping maple suckers'.
Americans will henceforth be referred to as 'Shatner stealing Mexico touchers'.
I cannot stop laughing.
Also, from last night's Daily Show - please visit NBK66 and remind him that he is a jaguar of the immortal fire.
Cryptically yours,

hey. i just noticed you have super awesome eyemakeup on in your profile.
notify me when you get your gift, just dont open it.