Thursday, hip hip hooray.
Not much to talk about today. Last night I had like thirty-seven awesome ideas for my journal today, but I neglected to write them down. As a result of my perpetual pot use, I forgot all of them. I suppose that's to be expected.
Yays and Boos? Yes.
Yay for Christmas Carols at work ALL EFFING DAY!
Boo for not being able to shower everyone I love with gifts this year.
Yay for my cats, I'm madly in love with them. Madly.
Yay for my fianc who's doing his best to keep my anxiety at ease.
Boo for stress. Big boo for that.
Yay for SG. I really love this community and I've met so many awesome people through's a blessing.
Also, YAY for hot naked girls.
Boo for not being loaded and going to Nobu for my birthday dinner.
Yay for coffee, the liquid of life. Remind me to buy more today.
Boo for not fucking remembering all the awesome things I was going to write about today. Dammit.
Yay for the mysterious envelope I got from Mom yesterday. It feels like there's a lil' benjamin action going on in there. Woot!
Boo for customers. I'm bombarded with idiocy on a regular basis.
Yay for organic yogurt.
Meh. I'm distracted.
Oh, so yesterday - I think my journal came off as bratty and ungrateful. I'm not really like that, I promise! It's not that I'm greedy and want tons of presents, it's just that I would love to have my birthday and Jesus' birthday celebrated as SEPERATE occasions...that's all. I don't care if I get a banana peel for one occasion and a cherry pit for the other - I just want my day of birth to be recognized as a wonderful thing ON IT'S OWN! That's not avaricious, is it?
Finally, as per my previous journal entry, I will reiterate the fact that my five favorite SGs (as seen above) will now be reserved for those with whom I want sexy time. However, it seems that the Tyke is having difficulty no longer being up there. So, until she puts out, I will post a picture of her in my journal every day.
Bundle up, kids. It's chilly.

Not much to talk about today. Last night I had like thirty-seven awesome ideas for my journal today, but I neglected to write them down. As a result of my perpetual pot use, I forgot all of them. I suppose that's to be expected.
Yays and Boos? Yes.
Yay for Christmas Carols at work ALL EFFING DAY!
Boo for not being able to shower everyone I love with gifts this year.
Yay for my cats, I'm madly in love with them. Madly.
Yay for my fianc who's doing his best to keep my anxiety at ease.
Boo for stress. Big boo for that.
Yay for SG. I really love this community and I've met so many awesome people through's a blessing.
Also, YAY for hot naked girls.
Boo for not being loaded and going to Nobu for my birthday dinner.
Yay for coffee, the liquid of life. Remind me to buy more today.
Boo for not fucking remembering all the awesome things I was going to write about today. Dammit.
Yay for the mysterious envelope I got from Mom yesterday. It feels like there's a lil' benjamin action going on in there. Woot!
Boo for customers. I'm bombarded with idiocy on a regular basis.
Yay for organic yogurt.
Meh. I'm distracted.

Oh, so yesterday - I think my journal came off as bratty and ungrateful. I'm not really like that, I promise! It's not that I'm greedy and want tons of presents, it's just that I would love to have my birthday and Jesus' birthday celebrated as SEPERATE occasions...that's all. I don't care if I get a banana peel for one occasion and a cherry pit for the other - I just want my day of birth to be recognized as a wonderful thing ON IT'S OWN! That's not avaricious, is it?

Finally, as per my previous journal entry, I will reiterate the fact that my five favorite SGs (as seen above) will now be reserved for those with whom I want sexy time. However, it seems that the Tyke is having difficulty no longer being up there. So, until she puts out, I will post a picture of her in my journal every day.

Bundle up, kids. It's chilly.


Thanks for the birthday wishes, too. I'm an old fucking man!