I'd quote that awesome song about Friday, but N'Sync remade it and ruined it for me.
I was doing so well! And it all went to the shitter! Let me explain: I've been KICKING ASS at the gym lately, and finally getting back into my gym groove - on a regular schedule, and loving it. Last night I did a 45 minute spinning class followed by 125 stability ball crunches (rectus abdominus, internal and external obliques, transverse abdominus), then triceps and back, as per my schedule. I got home, had a light dinner and some gatorade, and felt GREAT. Then I had to throw it all away with a little green. It wasn't much, but it was followed by a coughing fit (my poor lungs) which always fucks me up royally. The night was completed with:
-cookie dough
-freshly baked cookies
-3/4 box of Smarties
-a handful of Jalapeno Kettle Chips
-a few clementines
-a HUGE slice of mushroom pizza
-cranberry juice
...I think that about covers it. But yeah, I'm disgusting.
I have to trek all the way up to the UES this afternoon to see my crazy-pills-doctor. I have to see her at least once every three months in order for her to keep me all perscribed and shit. Such a pain in the ass. Tonight, my hot fiance is meeting me to get his hair cut by Rayna. We're also going to the Holiday Market and Pearl River to pick up some (monsterously inespensive) Christmas gifts. Let's hope I get my paycheck in a timely manner today.
Bad News: My Dad may not be able to visit for my birthday.
Good News: I'll be seeing the tyke sooner than I thought. *squeal*
Now go show some love to the LADIES and the GENTS.
Enjoy your weekend, kiddies. Peeps, I'll see yawl tomorrow.
8 days until my BIRTHDAY...

I was doing so well! And it all went to the shitter! Let me explain: I've been KICKING ASS at the gym lately, and finally getting back into my gym groove - on a regular schedule, and loving it. Last night I did a 45 minute spinning class followed by 125 stability ball crunches (rectus abdominus, internal and external obliques, transverse abdominus), then triceps and back, as per my schedule. I got home, had a light dinner and some gatorade, and felt GREAT. Then I had to throw it all away with a little green. It wasn't much, but it was followed by a coughing fit (my poor lungs) which always fucks me up royally. The night was completed with:
-cookie dough
-freshly baked cookies
-3/4 box of Smarties
-a handful of Jalapeno Kettle Chips
-a few clementines
-a HUGE slice of mushroom pizza
-cranberry juice
...I think that about covers it. But yeah, I'm disgusting.

I have to trek all the way up to the UES this afternoon to see my crazy-pills-doctor. I have to see her at least once every three months in order for her to keep me all perscribed and shit. Such a pain in the ass. Tonight, my hot fiance is meeting me to get his hair cut by Rayna. We're also going to the Holiday Market and Pearl River to pick up some (monsterously inespensive) Christmas gifts. Let's hope I get my paycheck in a timely manner today.
Bad News: My Dad may not be able to visit for my birthday.

Good News: I'll be seeing the tyke sooner than I thought. *squeal*

Now go show some love to the LADIES and the GENTS.
Enjoy your weekend, kiddies. Peeps, I'll see yawl tomorrow.

8 days until my BIRTHDAY...

thats the first time in ages that i've just hit "outdial" on my phone... it was very very heart-warming.
hope you went home to BJs. and knowing you're so fucking loved...