Man, that Tuesday night Boxing Class is fucking KILLER.
Today I have to make a gajillion photocopies of a gajillion documents for my court date on Tuesday. This is all such a pain in the ass. The only reason they served me with the papers to begin with is that they think I'm some stupid kid who'll be intimidated into paying, or not respond at all. Little do they know - not only am I a ballbuster, my fucking Fiance is all up in the law's grill and shit.
What else. I'm looking forward to the SGNY Holiday Bash this weekend. I don't know how I'm getting there, or how long I'll be able to stay, but I have to at least make an appearance. I mean, it's admirable to at least FAKE a social life, right??
My Mother asked me the other day if I would prefer money over gifts for my Birthday and Christmas this year. The fact is, I really need the money. But that fucking SUCKS. Firstly, it sucks that my Birthday and Christmas are always bunched together like it's one fucking holiday. Second, it sucks that I get ripped off every year. And finally, it sucks that I can't get fun presents for EITHER occasion because I'm up to my ears in debt.
end rant
Everyone go wish Twwly a Happy Birthday while I sit over here and sulk.
10 Days until my Birthday.....
Go show some love to the ladies.

Today I have to make a gajillion photocopies of a gajillion documents for my court date on Tuesday. This is all such a pain in the ass. The only reason they served me with the papers to begin with is that they think I'm some stupid kid who'll be intimidated into paying, or not respond at all. Little do they know - not only am I a ballbuster, my fucking Fiance is all up in the law's grill and shit.

What else. I'm looking forward to the SGNY Holiday Bash this weekend. I don't know how I'm getting there, or how long I'll be able to stay, but I have to at least make an appearance. I mean, it's admirable to at least FAKE a social life, right??

My Mother asked me the other day if I would prefer money over gifts for my Birthday and Christmas this year. The fact is, I really need the money. But that fucking SUCKS. Firstly, it sucks that my Birthday and Christmas are always bunched together like it's one fucking holiday. Second, it sucks that I get ripped off every year. And finally, it sucks that I can't get fun presents for EITHER occasion because I'm up to my ears in debt.

Everyone go wish Twwly a Happy Birthday while I sit over here and sulk.

10 Days until my Birthday.....

Go show some love to the ladies.
Before we forget: Black Santa Claus with a white girl. Caption: "Babygirl, I'll choke the hell outya!"
Viola! T-shirt of the year.
When is someone going to confront D. West on his steriod problems? That would be the ultimate; a motivational speaker confronting his own inner demons.
She's a punk rock princess!
But she's also a cat!