Fucking Monday.
These things are facts (right Chloe?):
- I am hungover from the Christmas Party last night because everything was free
- I've had it up to HERE with New York State Landlords
- if you need me next Tuesday morning, I'll be in court
- my BIRTHDAY is 12 days away, and Twwly's is only 2 days away
- I'm addicted to AOL Classic Holiday Radio
- my Dad yelled at me this morning for not calling him all weekend
- I have never been so financially fucked as I am right now...I'm hoping my upcoming birthday (as well as Jesus') will remedy some of this
- my class tonight was cancelled, HOORAY
- there's not much I wouldn't do for a Grande Soy no-water Chai right now
And finally:
- I haven't the patience for a real update today, so deal with it.

These things are facts (right Chloe?):
- I am hungover from the Christmas Party last night because everything was free
- I've had it up to HERE with New York State Landlords
- if you need me next Tuesday morning, I'll be in court

- my BIRTHDAY is 12 days away, and Twwly's is only 2 days away
- I'm addicted to AOL Classic Holiday Radio
- my Dad yelled at me this morning for not calling him all weekend
- I have never been so financially fucked as I am right now...I'm hoping my upcoming birthday (as well as Jesus') will remedy some of this
- my class tonight was cancelled, HOORAY
- there's not much I wouldn't do for a Grande Soy no-water Chai right now
And finally:
- I haven't the patience for a real update today, so deal with it.

happy b-day in advance, and i'm sure i'll wish you one then too

i miss you.