Yay, Thursday!!
Fun Things:
1. I can't believe I didn't write this yesterday, but Dan and I bought the Mariokart GameCube Bundle. WOOHOO! We received a $200 Target gift card from his family for our engagement, and we couldn't think of anything we'd rather have. We've been obsessively playing it since we set it up. It's awesome. We have to get a memory card, though.
2. OK - this is a Not So Fun Thing. We finally heard back from our slum-lords. Assholes set our move-out date to 02.01.05, which means that we had to call all the brokers and landlords etc. to let them know that we're flaking out until late Dec., early Jan.. What's ironic about the whole thing is that this is the very root of all the problems - we can NEVER get a hold of them and they NEVER call anyone back. On the good side, however, is that Dan's friend John (previously mentioned as 'the guy with the wicked hook-up') came through and said he has a lot of options for us. So F our landlords in the A, without lube. Fuckers.
3. My lil' sis is home, safe and sound. Twenty-four hours early, no less!
4. Not only is Twwly's 24th BDay coming up...SO IS MINE! *coughwishlistcough*
5. Chloe and Trixie are radder than neon shoelaces. That's pretty rad.
6. Dude. I got a fucking ROLODEX. WTF?! What am I, 38? Christ.
7. We got our grocery delivery last night. We were missing two litres of Canada Dry and one cajun catfish filet. However, we got a box of popcorn, a bottle of cranberry juice and a big ol' bag of sugar that we DIDN'T order. FreshDirect kicks so much ass, though, and they credited my account and let us keep the other shit. Cranberry Juice is good for my urinary tract!
8. I'm getting my wrist tattoo touched up by Shinji at Adorned. tonight. I'm excited! No more prison ink.
Enjoy your Thursday, dolls.

Fun Things:
1. I can't believe I didn't write this yesterday, but Dan and I bought the Mariokart GameCube Bundle. WOOHOO! We received a $200 Target gift card from his family for our engagement, and we couldn't think of anything we'd rather have. We've been obsessively playing it since we set it up. It's awesome. We have to get a memory card, though.
2. OK - this is a Not So Fun Thing. We finally heard back from our slum-lords. Assholes set our move-out date to 02.01.05, which means that we had to call all the brokers and landlords etc. to let them know that we're flaking out until late Dec., early Jan.. What's ironic about the whole thing is that this is the very root of all the problems - we can NEVER get a hold of them and they NEVER call anyone back. On the good side, however, is that Dan's friend John (previously mentioned as 'the guy with the wicked hook-up') came through and said he has a lot of options for us. So F our landlords in the A, without lube. Fuckers.
3. My lil' sis is home, safe and sound. Twenty-four hours early, no less!
4. Not only is Twwly's 24th BDay coming up...SO IS MINE! *coughwishlistcough*
5. Chloe and Trixie are radder than neon shoelaces. That's pretty rad.
6. Dude. I got a fucking ROLODEX. WTF?! What am I, 38? Christ.
7. We got our grocery delivery last night. We were missing two litres of Canada Dry and one cajun catfish filet. However, we got a box of popcorn, a bottle of cranberry juice and a big ol' bag of sugar that we DIDN'T order. FreshDirect kicks so much ass, though, and they credited my account and let us keep the other shit. Cranberry Juice is good for my urinary tract!
8. I'm getting my wrist tattoo touched up by Shinji at Adorned. tonight. I'm excited! No more prison ink.
Enjoy your Thursday, dolls.

dude. how could anyone not miss you? seriously.

hey girlie
hope to see you tomorrow nite at the show...it's only 5 bucks, so search under the couch cushions and round up those quarters........btw you have cool music taste