Ugh, Mondays. After a four day weekend, no less.
Interesting weekend. Dan and I went to The Guyland for TGiving with his parents and aunt. Fun times were had by all, even though his mom put sausage in the stuffing. We went on Thursday, then got up at 7am on Friday morning to go to Target and buy the GameCube Mariokart Bundle (GameCube, two controllers and Mariokart Double Dash for $99). They were sold out, but we got a rain check. So all's well that ends well, I guess. We took an early train back to the city and passed out for the afternoon. The remainder of our weekend consisted of sleeping, watching TV, playing Def Jam Fight for NY (fucking AWESOME GAME), smoking (of course), eating (too much), gym for her, and studying for him. I did get a fair bit of organizing done, though. So that's good.
Question: Exactly how many UTIs can a girl GET in her lifetime, anyway?? Ugh.
In other news, it looks like Dan and I will be moving AGAIN. We've been having a shitload of problems with our landlord...
1. The heat/hot water has gone out twice in the past three weeks, for more than 24 hours at a time.
2. We're not recieving our mail because the mailboxes (installed in 1974) are not regulation size.
3. There is no super in the building.
4. They have never ONCE answered their phone, and they return messages an average of two days after we leave a message.
We did a little research and discovered that they were in violation of at least three housing laws. So we contacted them, asking them to get back to us so we could schedule some kind of meeting to sit down and talk about things, perhaps come up with some solutions. After two messages and no callbacks, I finally left a message informing them of their violations and letting them know, again, that we wanted to meet with them. Then on Saturday, Dan and I both received messages on our cellphones:
"Hi there, this is your landlord. Um...yeah, obviously you're not happy in our building, and I don't think we're going to come to any agreements, so I think it would be best for you and Dan to find alternative living arrangements. We're happy to release you from the lease early, or extend it if you need to, but we just think this is for the best."
"We're lazy and cheap and don't want to follow housing laws, and we know you're the only tenants in the building who're smart enough to do anything about it, so we're kicking you out. Since you have us by the legal testicals, we'll be super duper flexible with the lease."
So whoop-de-doo, we're apartment hunting once again. Whatever, it just means there'll be another kickass housewarming party.
This week is prolly going to be fairly uneventful. We're both uber broke. Gym, sleep, work, eat.
Them's the breaks.
Everyone go SHOW my Lil' Sister some love.
She needs it now more than ever.

Interesting weekend. Dan and I went to The Guyland for TGiving with his parents and aunt. Fun times were had by all, even though his mom put sausage in the stuffing. We went on Thursday, then got up at 7am on Friday morning to go to Target and buy the GameCube Mariokart Bundle (GameCube, two controllers and Mariokart Double Dash for $99). They were sold out, but we got a rain check. So all's well that ends well, I guess. We took an early train back to the city and passed out for the afternoon. The remainder of our weekend consisted of sleeping, watching TV, playing Def Jam Fight for NY (fucking AWESOME GAME), smoking (of course), eating (too much), gym for her, and studying for him. I did get a fair bit of organizing done, though. So that's good.
Question: Exactly how many UTIs can a girl GET in her lifetime, anyway?? Ugh.

In other news, it looks like Dan and I will be moving AGAIN. We've been having a shitload of problems with our landlord...
1. The heat/hot water has gone out twice in the past three weeks, for more than 24 hours at a time.
2. We're not recieving our mail because the mailboxes (installed in 1974) are not regulation size.
3. There is no super in the building.
4. They have never ONCE answered their phone, and they return messages an average of two days after we leave a message.
We did a little research and discovered that they were in violation of at least three housing laws. So we contacted them, asking them to get back to us so we could schedule some kind of meeting to sit down and talk about things, perhaps come up with some solutions. After two messages and no callbacks, I finally left a message informing them of their violations and letting them know, again, that we wanted to meet with them. Then on Saturday, Dan and I both received messages on our cellphones:
"Hi there, this is your landlord. Um...yeah, obviously you're not happy in our building, and I don't think we're going to come to any agreements, so I think it would be best for you and Dan to find alternative living arrangements. We're happy to release you from the lease early, or extend it if you need to, but we just think this is for the best."
"We're lazy and cheap and don't want to follow housing laws, and we know you're the only tenants in the building who're smart enough to do anything about it, so we're kicking you out. Since you have us by the legal testicals, we'll be super duper flexible with the lease."
So whoop-de-doo, we're apartment hunting once again. Whatever, it just means there'll be another kickass housewarming party.

This week is prolly going to be fairly uneventful. We're both uber broke. Gym, sleep, work, eat.
Them's the breaks.

Everyone go SHOW my Lil' Sister some love.
She needs it now more than ever.

i need a game cube in my life.
yeah, landlords suck. ours still needs to fix our bathtub drain!