Yipee, Thursday.
Gym last night was torture. My legs (specifically quads) were killing me to begin with, and as Dan pointed out, "good thing we're going spinning, then".
I sweat like a whore in church, but got through it. Finished up with the old ab routine and we went home.
Dinner was awesome last night, if I do say so myself. I made Dan one of his favorite meals - organic spicy spanish chicken with steamed asparagus and spanish rice, garnished with salsa. I made myself organic garlic-soy chicken with steamed asparagus and a side of chopped romaine hearts with hot pepper rings, parmesean and roasted garlic and black olive vinegarette. I was in a creamy mood (?) so I threw a dollop of herb and chive toffuti on my asparagus. Saucy! We pigged out while watching Maury. Pure bliss.
We tried to go to bed early, but we're both night owls to the extreme, so we ended up watching Staying Alive. Can I just say...fucking BRILLIANT filmmaking right there. Dan had never seen it before (much to my shock and awe), so naturally he was amazed. Seeing it again only reinforced my love for the 80's. And greasy John Travolta. In a loincloth and headband.
Fun fact: Sly Stallone directed that movie!!
Everyone watch The King of All Media on Letterman tonight.
EDIT to add: Y'all got ONE MONTH until my birthday. Save up, bitches.

Gym last night was torture. My legs (specifically quads) were killing me to begin with, and as Dan pointed out, "good thing we're going spinning, then".

Dinner was awesome last night, if I do say so myself. I made Dan one of his favorite meals - organic spicy spanish chicken with steamed asparagus and spanish rice, garnished with salsa. I made myself organic garlic-soy chicken with steamed asparagus and a side of chopped romaine hearts with hot pepper rings, parmesean and roasted garlic and black olive vinegarette. I was in a creamy mood (?) so I threw a dollop of herb and chive toffuti on my asparagus. Saucy! We pigged out while watching Maury. Pure bliss.

We tried to go to bed early, but we're both night owls to the extreme, so we ended up watching Staying Alive. Can I just say...fucking BRILLIANT filmmaking right there. Dan had never seen it before (much to my shock and awe), so naturally he was amazed. Seeing it again only reinforced my love for the 80's. And greasy John Travolta. In a loincloth and headband.
Fun fact: Sly Stallone directed that movie!!

Everyone watch The King of All Media on Letterman tonight.

EDIT to add: Y'all got ONE MONTH until my birthday. Save up, bitches.

i have a food and slut talk session tomorrow...minus the pot for me.