It's HUMPDAY yawl! ::humphumphump::
So I'm not entirely sure HOW this happened, as I'm usually on the ball, but I seem to have forgotten to take my birth control pills THREE DAYS IN A ROW.
So upon realizing this last night before bed (when I take them normally) I freaked out and took all three at once. Which was fine until I woke up this morning in an estrogen-stupor. I feel all dopey and nauseated. Can one overdose on Tri-Cyclen?!
I pushed a little TOO hard at the gym last night. I got that runner's high and went faster and longer than usual, which is all well and good - until I get to the strength training and my legs are shaking too hard to lunge. I got through it though. All's well that ends well I guess.
Spinning tonight.
I shall leave you with a lil' pic of my lil' sis.
And thanks to JaiDee for the fucking red lipstick all over my face.
EDIT to add: I seriously can't stop eating soy crisps. STEP AWAY FROM THE SOY CRISPS.
So I'm not entirely sure HOW this happened, as I'm usually on the ball, but I seem to have forgotten to take my birth control pills THREE DAYS IN A ROW.

I pushed a little TOO hard at the gym last night. I got that runner's high and went faster and longer than usual, which is all well and good - until I get to the strength training and my legs are shaking too hard to lunge. I got through it though. All's well that ends well I guess.

Spinning tonight.
I shall leave you with a lil' pic of my lil' sis.

And thanks to JaiDee for the fucking red lipstick all over my face.

EDIT to add: I seriously can't stop eating soy crisps. STEP AWAY FROM THE SOY CRISPS.

Now I'm on the patch, which is good because it means I only have 4 chances to fuck up each month instead of 30...also it seems I only do fuck it up when there's a chance of sex in my immediate future...