I'm the most excited EVER. I didn't fall asleep last night until after 2am, but that may just be because of my recent pot withdrawal. Either way, I watched The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert on IFC. What a fucking great movie that is. I haven't seen it in entirely too long. It's funny, though, seeing Hugo Weaving and Guy Pearce all fag'd up like that. I'm adding to my wishlist, stat.
My Fiance was too sleepy/qrumpy/swamped with Law School to join me at the gym last night, but I bucked up and went. Spinning class was murder. The instructor (Marissa) was on a 3rd Position-Heavy Hill kick, and I actually cried a little bit near the end. I wish I was exaggerating, but I really did. HAHAH! I did my usual 125 stability ball crunches and bundled up and left. So cold! This weather makes my joints hurt and hinders my flexibility. But the fact that it also brings Christmas and my birthday makes up for it. Heehee!
I'll write more in a bit - I haffa go get my hair did.
Ahh, no more faded boring hair. I got the usual red single process, plus a few dark lowlights throughout. It's still wet, so we'll see. The fringe benefits of working for an uber-chic high end SoHo salon abound, my friends.
Thursday is also a nice name, methinks.

I'm the most excited EVER. I didn't fall asleep last night until after 2am, but that may just be because of my recent pot withdrawal. Either way, I watched The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert on IFC. What a fucking great movie that is. I haven't seen it in entirely too long. It's funny, though, seeing Hugo Weaving and Guy Pearce all fag'd up like that. I'm adding to my wishlist, stat.
My Fiance was too sleepy/qrumpy/swamped with Law School to join me at the gym last night, but I bucked up and went. Spinning class was murder. The instructor (Marissa) was on a 3rd Position-Heavy Hill kick, and I actually cried a little bit near the end. I wish I was exaggerating, but I really did. HAHAH! I did my usual 125 stability ball crunches and bundled up and left. So cold! This weather makes my joints hurt and hinders my flexibility. But the fact that it also brings Christmas and my birthday makes up for it. Heehee!
I'll write more in a bit - I haffa go get my hair did.
Ahh, no more faded boring hair. I got the usual red single process, plus a few dark lowlights throughout. It's still wet, so we'll see. The fringe benefits of working for an uber-chic high end SoHo salon abound, my friends.

Thursday is also a nice name, methinks.


i can't make yr celebration on saturday