I'm at almost 30 hours without pot. So far so good, although I didn't fall asleep until after 1:00a. I felt more alert when I woke up, plus I didn't pig out last night so I wasn't all bloated and gassy. Dan tells me that it's the first 48 hours that are rough, and it's all downhill from there. Hopefully he's right. I'll say this - I certainly get a lot more done around the house when I'm not blazed out of my mind.
Speaking of which - Eli, I officially forgive you, but I'm holding you to 'something for the ladies'!
Gym last night was less than satisfactory. I think I may be fighting off some kinda virus or something, because I'm not able to push my cardio as far as usual. Running has been like torture for the past couple of days. I think, also, that I need to visit my chiropractor soon - my hips are uneven and it's making me run with a bit of a limp, which causes shin splints on my left leg. Ugh.
Seriously, can't a girl just get gawjus without all this bullshit?
Tonight I must clean and prepare for the arrival of my Homegirl. Kitchen, bathroom, and organizing. New sheets on the futon. Get the 'sketti ingredients ready. Make sure there's beer in the fridge. Sex up my fiance sos he doesn't feel neglected. Get pumped for the Boys. Finalize plans for Saturday. ...I'm so excited. I may not let go of her all weekend.
Today I leave you with Souka, the desk gremlin.
Suck on that, mydogfarted.
Speaking of which - Eli, I officially forgive you, but I'm holding you to 'something for the ladies'!

Gym last night was less than satisfactory. I think I may be fighting off some kinda virus or something, because I'm not able to push my cardio as far as usual. Running has been like torture for the past couple of days. I think, also, that I need to visit my chiropractor soon - my hips are uneven and it's making me run with a bit of a limp, which causes shin splints on my left leg. Ugh.

Tonight I must clean and prepare for the arrival of my Homegirl. Kitchen, bathroom, and organizing. New sheets on the futon. Get the 'sketti ingredients ready. Make sure there's beer in the fridge. Sex up my fiance sos he doesn't feel neglected. Get pumped for the Boys. Finalize plans for Saturday. ...I'm so excited. I may not let go of her all weekend.

Today I leave you with Souka, the desk gremlin.

Suck on that, mydogfarted.


Soooooo never.