Payday, bitches.
I fell off the wagon last night.
I've been so fucking good all week! On schedule at the gym like woah, and keeping the late nite munchies to a bare minimum. But last night changed everything. A brief synopsis:
Got home from work, cuddled with the boy for a bit, then dragged my ass to the gym like a good girl. I ran faster than usual, then worked on the ol' biceps, chest and abs as per my regimen. I came home feeling great. Dinner was the usual - chopped romaine hearts with a protein (tofu this time), parmesean cheese and balsamic vinegarette. Deeelicious. We then proceeded to pack the hookah and get a lil' blazed, as always. Again, I was great on the munchie front, only indulging in a couple pieces of a Caramilk Bar.
Then it happened.
Dan decided at 12:15am that he needed to order Domino's. And God love him, he did. But not before throwing in an order of CinnaStix for yours truly. 40 minutes later it arrived at our door, hot and fresh and doughy. And did we ever dig in.
Let's just say it wasn't pretty.
And so, friends, there it is. A perfectly good workout nullified in about 15 minutes early this morning. Take this information with you, learn from Girlie's mistakes.
No matter HOW BADLY you think you need butter saturated sugar coated warm breadsticks dipped in sweet vanilla icing at 1:00am...just say no. It's just the pot speaking. Ignore the pot.
Have a safe and fun Halloween weekend, lovers.

I fell off the wagon last night.
I've been so fucking good all week! On schedule at the gym like woah, and keeping the late nite munchies to a bare minimum. But last night changed everything. A brief synopsis:
Got home from work, cuddled with the boy for a bit, then dragged my ass to the gym like a good girl. I ran faster than usual, then worked on the ol' biceps, chest and abs as per my regimen. I came home feeling great. Dinner was the usual - chopped romaine hearts with a protein (tofu this time), parmesean cheese and balsamic vinegarette. Deeelicious. We then proceeded to pack the hookah and get a lil' blazed, as always. Again, I was great on the munchie front, only indulging in a couple pieces of a Caramilk Bar.
Then it happened.
Dan decided at 12:15am that he needed to order Domino's. And God love him, he did. But not before throwing in an order of CinnaStix for yours truly. 40 minutes later it arrived at our door, hot and fresh and doughy. And did we ever dig in.
Let's just say it wasn't pretty.
And so, friends, there it is. A perfectly good workout nullified in about 15 minutes early this morning. Take this information with you, learn from Girlie's mistakes.
No matter HOW BADLY you think you need butter saturated sugar coated warm breadsticks dipped in sweet vanilla icing at 1:00am...just say no. It's just the pot speaking. Ignore the pot.
Have a safe and fun Halloween weekend, lovers.


hehe, nah do what is best but who can resist Domino`s?? Did you have any pizza? because if you didn`t.....that counts as being good too.