I don't understand quite how it happened, but it seems I know at least partial lyrics to pretty much every song by Hall and Oates. I'm assuming I heard a lot of it growing up. I have to admit, it makes me a little uneasy.
So it's Wednesday.
I worked out last night (yay, me) and I'm achy all over. But it's a good achy; a pretty-soon-I'll-be-hotter-than-hot kind of achy. I squatted til my ass was on fire. I lunged til my hamstrings were on the verge of snapping. I shoulder-pressed until my arms shook. I ran and trained until my clothes were saturated in salty goodness.
It felt great.
Now the big test is dragging my soon-to-be-perfect ass to spinning class tonight. I always feel great after spinning, but fuck if it isn't hard to motivate. Burn them calories, bitch!
I made a big batch of sp'sketti sauce on Sunday. Since I don't dig on moo-cow, I made it with veggie ground round. YUM! It's so much better as leftovers, too. Everything gets all saturated with flavor. I put aside a bunch for my lunches this week, then froze the rest so's I can use it for dinners next week. Domesticity, ahoy!
I'd better shut up before this journal becomes unreadable.

So it's Wednesday.
I worked out last night (yay, me) and I'm achy all over. But it's a good achy; a pretty-soon-I'll-be-hotter-than-hot kind of achy. I squatted til my ass was on fire. I lunged til my hamstrings were on the verge of snapping. I shoulder-pressed until my arms shook. I ran and trained until my clothes were saturated in salty goodness.
It felt great.
Now the big test is dragging my soon-to-be-perfect ass to spinning class tonight. I always feel great after spinning, but fuck if it isn't hard to motivate. Burn them calories, bitch!
I made a big batch of sp'sketti sauce on Sunday. Since I don't dig on moo-cow, I made it with veggie ground round. YUM! It's so much better as leftovers, too. Everything gets all saturated with flavor. I put aside a bunch for my lunches this week, then froze the rest so's I can use it for dinners next week. Domesticity, ahoy!

I'd better shut up before this journal becomes unreadable.


For the record, I already think you're hell of hot.
Did that cross the line? Am I going to get ended?
Where do you work out? I'm moving to Brooklyn in about 6 weeks and need to find me a gym so I can get hotter-than-hot.
Yes, breast cancer sucks! I wanted to carry a huge sign on the walk that said, " SAVE THE BOOBIES!" but my boss wouldn't let me!
As for knowing those lyrics, I blame it on elevators and doctors' offices...