So this was certainly some kind of weekend.
Work has been stressing me out big time lately - I'm glad to be moving on up to the head office a week from today, I'll say that. Less drama, less bullshit, more peace. More money? Hopefully.
When I came home from work on Saturday I got some things done around the apartment, but I couldn't shake my foul mood. Dan decided to take me out for a couple of drinks at our local dive, and we ended up having a nice time. We stayed there for a couple hours, enjoyed some liquor and some conversation, and at 12:45 decided to make our way back home to get cozy. The newly-chilly weather had us looking forward to bundling up together with a little green.
We got a little stupid on the way home - chasing eachother down our block, giggling and laughing. Dan grabbed me up at one point, and continued on to our apartment.
I don't remember exactly how things happened, but next thing I knew, I was on the cement and the entire left side of my body was numb. Dan was telling me to get up, and there were some kids down the street asking if we were alright. My head hurt really badly, so as Dan helped me up onto my feet, I reached back to see where the pain was coming from, and when I pulled my hand back it was coated in blood. Needless to say, I promptly freaked out. Dan managed to get me back into the apartment, and sat me down on the futon. He took off my pants and shoes and grabbed me some ice and a towel and tried to calm me down while he started calling around to our medically-inclined friends. Over the next hour, I went through some scary symptoms, but I refused to let Dan take me to the hospital - not only was I scared, but I have no kind of insurance. So we took the advice of our afore-mentioned friends and Dan played nurse until 7:30 Sunday morning, waking me up every hour to ask me what day it was, what my name is, and who the President is. We joked that if I couldn't remember if it was GB Senior or GB Junior, he'd ship me off to the emergency room.
We didn't do much of anything yesterday - Dan took good care of me and I did a lot of worrying. Caught up with the parents and assured them that I was alright. Around 8 we blazed the trusty hookah and ordered Two Boots. The rest of the evening was a jumble of weed, Law and Order SVU, and goat cheese pizza.
So here I am, bundled up on the futon once again, watching Maury and sharing my blueberry yogurt with my kitties. Obviously my head hurts and my body aches, plus I seem to have taken off a few layers of skin on my back. I was supposed to have my fitness assessment with the head trainer at my gym today, but that'll have to wait. I'm clearly in no condition to push my physical limits. Dan's in class until about 3:30, and I have class at I'll be taking it easy besides that. My cats are keeping me entertained, as usual.
At some point during the fiasco I lost my nose ring, so I'm thinking about stopping by Canal Street to grab a new one. We'll see how the day goes.
I gotta hand it to Dan for taking such good care of me this weekend. We spent a lot of time being mushy-lovey-lovebirds, but that's just what I needed. He's the greatest. Hopefully he won't mind having to do the laundry this evening.
Here's to a week that has nowhere to go but up!
Work has been stressing me out big time lately - I'm glad to be moving on up to the head office a week from today, I'll say that. Less drama, less bullshit, more peace. More money? Hopefully.
When I came home from work on Saturday I got some things done around the apartment, but I couldn't shake my foul mood. Dan decided to take me out for a couple of drinks at our local dive, and we ended up having a nice time. We stayed there for a couple hours, enjoyed some liquor and some conversation, and at 12:45 decided to make our way back home to get cozy. The newly-chilly weather had us looking forward to bundling up together with a little green.
We got a little stupid on the way home - chasing eachother down our block, giggling and laughing. Dan grabbed me up at one point, and continued on to our apartment.
I don't remember exactly how things happened, but next thing I knew, I was on the cement and the entire left side of my body was numb. Dan was telling me to get up, and there were some kids down the street asking if we were alright. My head hurt really badly, so as Dan helped me up onto my feet, I reached back to see where the pain was coming from, and when I pulled my hand back it was coated in blood. Needless to say, I promptly freaked out. Dan managed to get me back into the apartment, and sat me down on the futon. He took off my pants and shoes and grabbed me some ice and a towel and tried to calm me down while he started calling around to our medically-inclined friends. Over the next hour, I went through some scary symptoms, but I refused to let Dan take me to the hospital - not only was I scared, but I have no kind of insurance. So we took the advice of our afore-mentioned friends and Dan played nurse until 7:30 Sunday morning, waking me up every hour to ask me what day it was, what my name is, and who the President is. We joked that if I couldn't remember if it was GB Senior or GB Junior, he'd ship me off to the emergency room.
We didn't do much of anything yesterday - Dan took good care of me and I did a lot of worrying. Caught up with the parents and assured them that I was alright. Around 8 we blazed the trusty hookah and ordered Two Boots. The rest of the evening was a jumble of weed, Law and Order SVU, and goat cheese pizza.
So here I am, bundled up on the futon once again, watching Maury and sharing my blueberry yogurt with my kitties. Obviously my head hurts and my body aches, plus I seem to have taken off a few layers of skin on my back. I was supposed to have my fitness assessment with the head trainer at my gym today, but that'll have to wait. I'm clearly in no condition to push my physical limits. Dan's in class until about 3:30, and I have class at I'll be taking it easy besides that. My cats are keeping me entertained, as usual.
At some point during the fiasco I lost my nose ring, so I'm thinking about stopping by Canal Street to grab a new one. We'll see how the day goes.
I gotta hand it to Dan for taking such good care of me this weekend. We spent a lot of time being mushy-lovey-lovebirds, but that's just what I needed. He's the greatest. Hopefully he won't mind having to do the laundry this evening.
Here's to a week that has nowhere to go but up!

should not need insurance in times like that .. if you are not working though ... its really easy to get Medicaid in NYC ... good luck!!
so you have to go back to Montreal to get health care???