Not to throw a pity party, but I've had ZERO responses to my last 2 journals, and next to none on the ones prior. In the past, I would never respond to anyone else's journal, but then I smartened up and realized how nice it is to see that people are hearing you, sort of semi-participating in your life. So I started to get my ass in gear on the response front.
I realize I'm whining, but it's been a rough month.
I'm done.
Just in case anyone missed it - finally, a little constitution up in this mug. It's about freakin' time.
For those of you who are also unemployed and have nothing better to do with your time, hours and hours of entertainment can be found HERE.
Here's to a new week, with new prospects and new attitudes.
I realize I'm whining, but it's been a rough month.
I'm done.
Just in case anyone missed it - finally, a little constitution up in this mug. It's about freakin' time.
For those of you who are also unemployed and have nothing better to do with your time, hours and hours of entertainment can be found HERE.
Here's to a new week, with new prospects and new attitudes.
This journal is about you and what you need to express
Anything else is just gravy...just like this comment
Here's to you having a better week!
i like the deppster..he's on one o tha better actors out there fer sure...i actually had a pic taken with Jim Jarmusch, he directed him in Dead Man, after the Iggy show...hope things get better the rest of the month...