What an interesting weekend...
I went to LI with the boy all weekend, and had a blast. On Friday night we went to Jones Beach for the Skid Row/Poison concert, which was HIGH COMEDY. We also tailgated there, and got stupid before the show. It was a great time...
Then Saturday, I got myself some new clothes - not much, but enough to tide me over until my personal stylist gets here, which HAD BETTER BE SOON.
Then that evening, the boy and I put lawnchairs on his front yard, bought 6 packs and a pack of camels, and proceeded to get shitfaced and talked and smoked until 2am. After that, a little nooky, and it was time to hit the sack.
Sunday (today), we had to get up early to go to Brunch with his Parents for Dad's Day, then we went to Costco to stock up on some shit for back in NYC. I
that place. Then we came back to his Parent's place, napped until 5, and packed up to take the LIRR back home.
What a weekend. Thank God the weather was finally beautiful...I'm wiped!
How was everyone else's weekend?
I went to LI with the boy all weekend, and had a blast. On Friday night we went to Jones Beach for the Skid Row/Poison concert, which was HIGH COMEDY. We also tailgated there, and got stupid before the show. It was a great time...
Then Saturday, I got myself some new clothes - not much, but enough to tide me over until my personal stylist gets here, which HAD BETTER BE SOON.

Sunday (today), we had to get up early to go to Brunch with his Parents for Dad's Day, then we went to Costco to stock up on some shit for back in NYC. I

What a weekend. Thank God the weather was finally beautiful...I'm wiped!
How was everyone else's weekend?
