7 more days until I visit my new home! Sept 24 I am moving to Ashland, Oregon. love
Visiting Ashland in 10 days love And I am moving there next month on the 22nd! No novel right now.
Man, that's shitty.
Well it's definitely for the best then smile
I am not in good spirits right now. Not one little tinker shit of happiness. How can a lair/cheater acquire a girl within two days online call me a bitch. I am not one to go back to high school drama, but damn. Not only could she NOT dis me properly because shhheee wrritteess liikkee thhhiiissssss, but she lives in another state. Trash dude, damn....
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let me be the first to say, that jerk did you a solid. I mean, thank god he left now and you got to find out early what a dirt bag he is. you deserve SOOOO MUCH BETTER kiss and that will come. the right guy (or girl) is out there. but for now, you are so allowed to be pissed off mad
Guys like that are trash, and end up with "the clap."
You're better off with him gone.
You'll be back on top real soon and you'll have this whole thing behind you with nothing to stand in your way smile
I feel as though, my way of communicating with the outer world has become just with kids. They seemed to get my personality just swimmingly. Loud, no filter!, ADD/ADHD, laughing at pokes, enjoying swing sets and a song to cheer and clap your hands over. My five year old brother had a 'graduation' held for his Safety Town school today, I was a proud sister,...
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its crazy how fast things are happening these days...kind of sad
ya i totaly fell in love with bare minerals. its awesome
Single.Thanks asshole. puke
Is life horrid when you are alone?
guys are dildos.

facts of life.

Hair doesn't fall right anymore. Tears came and stopped after the movies lights went out. I am too tired to keep my feet from dragging. Boys will be boys, and men will be boys. Too much skipping rocks, the calming will never occur with the same rippling effect. blackeyed

Boys will be boys, and men will be boys.

Too true. (Why?) surreal

I am not one to indulge in online dating, but I wouldn't mind meeting some new friends. Females have always been viewed as something with much more beauty then words can describe. I like this site because beauty is captured so finely amongst these girls. And I also enjoy tattoos and piercings, might open my mind up to newer ideas.
welcome beautiful...smile
Heyyy thankx for the add!

how are you?


and welcome!
