Questionable Content
Go there! I am mentioned in the side notes in today, November 9th's webcomic. I have been reading QC for about 2 years, and man. It is my crack. Jeph recently got himself a SG banner, and I emailed him to tell him how girlishly I squealed when I saw it.
Anyway, if you're into webcomics, his is by far one of the best out there. I reccomend starting at the very beginning, and reading all like 300 comics. Because well, there's a really good story. And Pintsize just about the cutest damn robot ever. And I plan on getting a pintsize tattoo somewhere. Cos how cool would an Anthro-PC be in real life?
I'm debating getting a larger version of this, on the inside of my forearm. Rocking robo, indeed.
Anyway, I showed up at 10 this morning at GameStop to get my copy of The Movies. The damn truck isn't there yet! I am dying, I need that game. Sean and I went to the Hyvee next door and bought tortilla wraps and an energy drink, and sat outside, waiting for it to open. Nerds, I know.
Random me fact: I have fallen into the mother role of all of my friends in the punk scene. Especially among the younger kids. I am the go0to girl for all their problems, and when they need to cry, or throw up because they're drunk or whatever.....they come to me.
Go there! I am mentioned in the side notes in today, November 9th's webcomic. I have been reading QC for about 2 years, and man. It is my crack. Jeph recently got himself a SG banner, and I emailed him to tell him how girlishly I squealed when I saw it.
Anyway, if you're into webcomics, his is by far one of the best out there. I reccomend starting at the very beginning, and reading all like 300 comics. Because well, there's a really good story. And Pintsize just about the cutest damn robot ever. And I plan on getting a pintsize tattoo somewhere. Cos how cool would an Anthro-PC be in real life?
I'm debating getting a larger version of this, on the inside of my forearm. Rocking robo, indeed.

Anyway, I showed up at 10 this morning at GameStop to get my copy of The Movies. The damn truck isn't there yet! I am dying, I need that game. Sean and I went to the Hyvee next door and bought tortilla wraps and an energy drink, and sat outside, waiting for it to open. Nerds, I know.
Random me fact: I have fallen into the mother role of all of my friends in the punk scene. Especially among the younger kids. I am the go0to girl for all their problems, and when they need to cry, or throw up because they're drunk or whatever.....they come to me.

The witty cuteness of pintsize or the "im an insane chipmunk" cuteness of G.I.R.
I love them both!
Regardless of what others may say. I agree with you on the questionable content=crack fix analogy.
It has a developing story lien. Awesome characters...though I didnt like how Ellen seemed so cool to toss her boy. (please get back to me on your thoughts on that.please)
Though when she was quoting pricess bride at the bottom a few days ago I couldnt stop myself from CONSTANTLY repeating in my cutest voice ..."Mawage.. trooo wuvvv"
what did you think? Oh I think theres a chance that if Martin starts playing in thier band he would no longer have all the time to just pop in and say hi to fay and may come home late wich would give the fayness a coniption.... damn I know this sounds lame but I really wanna gab about that damn comic.
Tiger Love to ya cuteness